Council accepts donation of open space in Carnation
Property to be used for conservation and recreation
The Metropolitan King County Council today gave its unanimous approval to the donation of land in the city of Carnation that recognizes a long-time county employee.“This is a great gift that will preserve a beautiful parcel of open space and will be appreciated by generations of King County residents,” said Councilmember Kathy Lambert, who represents Carnation on the County Council. “We’re so grateful to the Clintons for their generosity.”
The 10-acre property is located within the city of Carnation. It’s valued at $480,000 and is being donated by long-time landowners Chad and Douglas Clinton. The Clinton’s are related to a long-time county employee who worked for the King County Parks and Recreation Division. The parcel, which they would like to call “Orme’s Hill Park,” would be the first land donation received by the county.
The Department of Natural Resources and Parks will be responsible for the management and maintenance of the property, which will become part of the department’s open space inventory into perpetuity. This matches the desire of the Clintons, who would like to see the parcel used for conservation and passive recreation.