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Modernizing regional solid waste system: County joins forces with local governments on planning future of transfer stations


Metropolitan King County
Council News

Modernizing regional solid waste system: County joins forces with local governments on planning future of transfer stations


Continued regional cooperation part of adopted interlocal agreement


The Metropolitan King County Council gave its unanimous approval to an amended interlocal agreement between the County and the 32 cities in the solid waste system that are seeking to continue to receive solid waste management services from the County.

“This extension of the interlocal agreement for solid waste extends regional contracts from 2028 to 2040 and enables the sale of long-term bonds for the modernization of the transfer system while keeping rates lower,” said Vice Chair Jane Hague. “This is another shining example of the importance of our long-term regional partnerships in King County.”

The ILA—which extends the current agreement from 2028 to 2040—has been the subject of negotiations between the County and cities. Negotiations involved representatives from the Sound Cities Association, the Solid Waste Division, and the County Executive’s Office. It is the first step toward modernizing a half-century old solid waste system to increase efficiency and accommodate the continued focus on recycling.

Along with the extension, the adopted ILA also:

• Describes the responsibilities of the parties. The County will be responsible for management, planning, operations, support and maintenance of financial policies. The cities will be responsible for waste collection;
• Establishes that the County is to set disposal rates and operating rules for disposal;
• Addresses Environmental Liability;
• Creates the Metropolitan Solid Waste Advisory Committee—a city advisory committee;
• Establishes collaborative processes for environmental review, permitting and determining mitigation payments to cities for impacts from solid waste facilities.

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