“Cleaning up:” Council renews concession agreement with Marymoor Park dog wash
County, dog owners both benefit from popular facility
The Metropolitan King County Council today gave its unanimous approval to a 10-year concession agreement that will keep Marymoor Park’s popular dog wash service operating within the County facility.“The Marymoor Park dog wash is an excellent example of how King County’s partnerships with private businesses can keep taxpayer costs down while making our parks better,” said Councilmember Larry Phillips, chair of the Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee. “The dog wash is a popular service among park users, and the money it raises helps reduce the public dollars needed to operate our park system.”
In 2007, the County Parks Division entered into a concession contract with a dog wash facility operator, to manage a dog washing facility within the Park. The self-service facility has proven to be a useful one; it provides access to a pet wash opportunity for those utilizing the parks off-leash dog area, and to the broader public.
According to the Parks Division, the dog washing service has historically been supported by user groups interested in Marymoor operations. Revenues from the operation have been on an upward trend, reflecting increasing customer awareness and use.
The original lease for the dog wash, which opened in 2008, expired last year, and it has been operating with a short-term interim agreement which expires this summer. The adopted ordinance approves a 10-year contract between the County and the operator of the dog wash, setting a monthly base fee plus ten percent of any revenues over $8000 a month.
The County will maintain and manage the common area, within 30 feet of the building—allowing access to both concessionaires’ customers and employees, and park users and county employees. The concessionaire will use the building to operate a dog wash and grooming business and sell approved toys, snacks and dog grooming aids during park operating hours.
This measure supports the Parks and Recreation Division’s ongoing efforts to encourage entrepreneurial efforts within parks, directing a revenue stream to the Division to support budget needs, while minimizing costs to the County.