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Phillips to prioritize Economy, Transportation, Environment in 2012


Metropolitan King County
Council News

Phillips to prioritize Economy, Transportation, Environment in 2012


Phillips to continue as Chair of the Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee


Building on the successes of last year, Metropolitan King County Councilmember Larry Phillips will continue his focus on economic recovery, transit, and environmental sustainability. For the third straight year, Phillips was selected by members of the County Council to Chair the Council’s Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee. He will also continue his leadership on clean water and Puget Sound recovery as Chair of the Regional Water Quality Committee.

“King County achieved some great successes in 2011, including protecting the Metro Transit system from 17percent service cuts, landing the jobs associated with Boeing’s 737 MAX production, and bringing electric vehicles to King County,” said Phillips. “I am looking forward to harnessing that momentum to accomplish our economic, transportation, and environmental goals in 2012.”


As Chair of the Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee (TrEE), Phillips will work to enhance economic development by updating King County’s Comprehensive Plan with an emphasis on sustainable communities and resource protection. He will also promote infrastructure investments in clean water, public transportation, and energy efficient buildings to create jobs now and in the future.


Protecting and improving transportation options for people to get to and from work will continue to be a top priority for Phillips in 2012. His Transportation Top 12 in 2012 priority list includes:

1. Seek long-term, stable funding for Metro Transit
2. Implement Ballard/Uptown RapidRide
3. Plan for Aurora RapidRide
4. Make Metro Transit service more productive by implementing King County’s Transit Strategic Plan
5. Support efforts to advance a statewide transportation package for improving transportation
6. Pursue increased transit service in the Alaskan Way Viaduct corridor, beginning as construction mitigation and transitioning to permanent transit service
7. Monitor mitigation efforts and traffic flow in the 15th Avenue NW corridor
8. Monitor elimination of the Ride Free Area to ensure a smooth transition
9. Support study of rail connections to Ballard
10. Keep Sound Transit system expansion projects on track, including University Link, North Link, East Link, the First Hill Streetcar, and the South and North Corridor high capacity transit projects
11. Identify funding to purchase the Eastside Rail Corridor from the Port of Seattle and secure the corridor in permanent public ownership
12. Support actions to address the backlogged maintenance of King County roads and bridges


As TrEE chair in 2012, Phillips will lead the update of King County’s Comprehensive Plan. He will also continue to emphasize environmental sustainability as a critical component of economic sustainability by focusing on clean water and clean energy. Phillips’ Environmental Top 12 in 2012 includes:

Clean Water
1. Take actions to restore Puget Sound to health
2. Advocate for strengthening the federal Clean Water Act

Energy & Climate Change
3. Create a comprehensive Climate Action Plan for King County government
4. Increase opportunities for electric vehicle charging stations
5. Continue to lobby the federal government for local grants for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
6. Build on membership in the Seattle 2030 District and President Obama’s Better Buildings Initiative for energy, water, and greenhouse gas emissions targets for King County government facilities
7. Require disclosure of EPA Energy Star scores for commercial and public buildings to prospective buyers, lessees, and lenders with the goal of improving energy efficiency
8. Create solar communities to promote solar energy and provide opportunities for individuals to invest in alternative energy sources
9. Preserve solar access rights for landowners in unincorporated King County

Pollution-free future
10. Promote the marketing of toxic-free businesses and products
11. Support the Toxic-Free Kids Act

Land Use
12. Create new trail linkages for bicycles, pedestrians, and equestrians between the regional trail system and local points of interest.

2011 Highlights

2011 marked many important advances in Phillips’ priority areas of the economy, transportation, and the environment. The economic gains Phillips worked on included supporting efforts to maintain and expand Boeing’s production of the 737, accelerating opportunities for small businesses to contract with King County for work, and hosting in a series of panel discussions about promoting the regional economy.

In transportation, Phillips played a leadership role in protecting Metro Transit from 17 percent service cuts, implementing the recommendations of the Regional Transit Task Force through adoption of the Transit Strategic Plan, and securing funds to replace Metro’s popular trolleybus fleet.

Phillips made headway on promoting environmental sustainability by gaining King County’s membership in the Seattle 2030 District to promote green buildings, securing electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations for King County, and enabling community gardens on unused county-owned land.

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