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Judge Jason Poydras - Superior Court

How to contact a King County Superior Court judge and get ready for your trial or motion.

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Court in recess

Judge Poydras' Court is in recess August 2nd through August 13th. Please do not note any motions while the Court is in recess as they will not be reviewed during the Judge's leave. Any motions noted between these dates will be considered by the Court, at earliest, 9 judicial days after Judge Poydras' return (August 14, 2024).    

Email and voicemail messages will not be monitored during these dates. Please do not anticipate a reply while the Court is in recess.

  • Courtroom Number: 3A/3126     
  • Bailiff: Alessandra de Faria
  • Department: 18
  • Assignment: Unified Family Court (UFC)