Land use permit types
Affidavit of Correction
Allows a professional land surveyor to correct errors and/or omissions of fact on any recorded subdivision, short subdivision, or boundary line adjustment.
A plat alteration allows revisions to a legally recorded plat or short plat.
Binding site plan
A binding site plan provides an alternative method for division of land.
Boundary or lot line adjustment
Lot line adjustment, accommodates a transfer of land between adjacent separate lots.
Clearing and Grading
Clearing and grading are activities associated with developing property for various commercial and residential uses.
Conditional use
A conditional use permit (CUP) allows the county to consider a use of a property that is not routinely allowed.
Critical areas
The critical areas designation and alteration exception processes.
Forest Practices
Permit requirements and options for forest management practices.
Legal lots
Provides an applicant with a determination of legal lot(s) status based upon the parcel history.
Reasonable use exception
A reasonable use exception (RUE) is used only when all reasonable uses of a site, as allowed by adopted zoning, is denied as result of critical areas.
A rezone, or zone reclassification, allows the reclassification of the parcel zoning as delineated on zoning maps and adopted by King County ordinance.
Right-of-Way use
Right-of-Way use land use permit for unincorporated King County.
Shoreline development permits aim to preserve the resources and ecology of the water and shorelines.
Special use (land use)
The special use permit process assures that a proposed use is reasonably compatible with adjacent and nearby properties.
Establishes conditions to subdivide land into 2 or more legal building lots.
Zoning variance
The zoning code variance application process allows adjustments in the application of standards of the zoning code to a particular property.