Vehicle maintenance and repair
Fleet Services operates two full service maintenance shops, and also provides mobile field services to support county operations. County vehicles can go to the nearest shop for service.
Our shops are certified to perform warranty repairs on Ford, General Motors (GM), and Peterbilt vehicles.
Preventative maintenance
County vehicles are serviced based on mileage or time, whichever comes first. Contact the nearest shop to schedule your next service appointment.
General purpose vehicles: 6,000 miles or six months for lube/oil/filter and 12,000 miles or 12 months for safety inspection
Patrol vehicles: 4,000 miles or four months for lube/oil/filter and safety inspection
If a county vehicle needs to be diagnosed or repaired outside of its normal service interval, and the repair is not urgent, notify the nearest shop to schedule an appointment. If the vehicle is unsafe to operate, contact the nearest shop as soon as possible to make arrangements to have the vehicle towed.
Emergency repairs
If a county vehicle breaks down or needs immediate repair during normal business hours, please call the nearest shop for assistance.
Emergency repairs after hours
If a breakdown occurs after regular business hours, or on a holiday or weekend, call the primary towing company closest to your location and make arrangements to have the vehicle towed to the nearest shop. Click here for a list of 24 hour towing providers. If you arrange to have a vehicle towed to one of the shops, please call that shop and leave a voicemail to explain the circumstances.
If you are unable to call a towing provider, call the Road Services Division 24-Hour Hotline at 206-477-8100 or the King County Sheriff non-emergency line at 206-296-3311.
Renton Shop
155 Monroe Ave. NE
Renton, WA 98056
Open Monday - Friday, 5 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Georgetown Shop
707 S. Orcas St.
Seattle, WA 98108
Open Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. - 4 p.m.