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Tips for faith-based organizations

General tips

  • Before, during and after each prayer/worship service, flush out the air from occupied rooms by opening windows and doors (if it is safe to do so and outdoor air quality is good), or through the HVAC system.
  • Ensure other organizations who use your facility also follow these practices.
  • If your facility is also being used as a school or childcare center, please see the webpage for schools and childcares.
  • If your facility is also being used as a congregate shelter, please see the webpage for shared or congregate housing.

COVID-19 considerations for faith leaders

  • Ask staff and visitors to stay home if they are sick or have symptoms of sickness. Also ask them to wear a mask if they have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Make masks available to visitors and staff.
  • Encourage the use of high-quality, well-fitting masks among staff, volunteers, and members. See: Your Guide to Masks | CDC
  • Centers of faith may be used for many different activities. Consider increasing ventilation, filtration, and masking during higher risk activities (e.g., singing) and when occupancy is high. Alternatively, activities could be shortened or moved outdoors when possible.
  • Encourage staff and congregation to stay up to date with vaccination and boosters.
  • If you use confessional, consider wearing masks and using a larger space with better air flow. Alternative options include tele-confession, holding confessions outdoors or via drive-through, adding a small HEPA filter to the area (if there is space and the electrical cord does not pose a trip hazard), staggering confession times, and opening the room up to allow for air exchange before the next person enters.
  • Encourage congregation to wear masks while singing, especially those at high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. Monitor transmission rates in your communities and be ready to increase filtration, ventilation and masking as community rates increase.
  • Refer to ASHRAE's Communities of Faith Buildings guidance for more recommendations.