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Tips for schools and childcare settings

General tips

Utilize the tools and resources at Creating Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Schools, EPA.

School buses and other transportation vehicles

  • When occupied, keep windows open a few inches (at a minimum two front and two rear windows) to provide adequate ventilation (as long as it does not create a safety or health hazard).
  • Opening windows is beneficial for daily bus commutes as well as during transportation of school groups to different events (sports, field trips, etc.).
  • Do not fog/mist the bus with disinfectant, as this can lead to poor air quality.
  • Leave windows open to air out the bus after use and clean when visibly dirty.

COVID-19 considerations

  • Refer to Washington State Department of Health's K-12 Schools and Child Care Guidance for current requirements and guidance to mitigate COVID-19 transmission in schools and child care settings. It's important that you follow masking and ventilation guidelines for possible COVID-19 cases.
  • When community transmission levels are high or outbreaks are occurring in a school, eat meals outdoors when feasible. Consider providing distance between each person in dining and snacking areas. Staggering mealtimes may help accommodate physical distancing.
  • Note: strategies recommended for reducing COVID-19 will also reduce the spread of other airborne illnesses and thus student and staff absences.
  • Washington State Department of Health COVID-19-College and University Toolkit.