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Who can apply for WaterWorks Grants?

The following entities are eligible to apply for WaterWorks grant funding:

  • Nonprofit groups including associations, community groups, and 501(C)3 organizations
  • Schools and educational institutions
  • Cities and counties (with the exception of King County DNRP*)
  • Special purpose districts
  • Tribes

Those not listed here (such as a business) can partner with an organization that is eligible which acts as fiscal sponsor. The fiscal sponsor would sign the grant agreement, submit reports, and receive payments. Partner organizations can divide duties and tasks as appropriate.

Organizations need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to apply, see instructions on obtaining an EIN.

*To clarify, King County DNRP staff and programs are not allowed to apply to WaterWorks but may partner with other applicants.

What types of projects are eligible?

Main criteria:

  • Create a benefit to or improvement in water quality within WTD’s service area that also benefits its ratepayers
  • Demonstrate that water quality benefits are related to WTD’s regional water quality responsibilities

Additional criteria include implementation strength and certainty of success, community involvement and support, and equity and social justice benefits; see evaluation criteria for details.

Circle check iconTypes of projects eligible for WaterWorks grants:

  • Community engagement and stewardship
  • Education
  • Outreach
  • Pollution prevention and best management practices for source control
  • Green stormwater infrastructure (rain gardens, cisterns, etc.) or low impact development features
  • Habitat restoration in riparian areas
  • Water quality assessments and monitoring
  • Science and research
  • Social marketing campaign (outreach aimed at behavior change)
  • Technology development
  • Demonstration projects
  • Planning and/or design of projects listed above

Circle X iconTypes of projects NOT eligible for WaterWorks grants:

  • Land acquisitions or conservation easements*
  • Lobbying of elected officials
  • Activities required for mitigation
  • Design, construction, operation, or maintenance of local sewer facilities or connection to the County system

Land acquisitions or conservation easements are not allowed in the WaterWorks competitive track, but in some cases are allowed under WaterWorks council-allocated track.

Where can projects be located?

WaterWorks projects must create a benefit to water quality in the WTD Service Area, outlined in green below.

Here are two interactive maps to compare your project location to the King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s service area. 

If you are looking for a GSI Mini Grant to install a rain garden, cistern, or other GSI feature in your home and have additional questions, contact Stewardship Partners at, or visit

Type in an address to find out if your project is in King County's Wastewater Treatment Division service area. When you enter your address it will zoom in to that location; zoom out to see whether your location is inside or outside the green borders.

Learn more about your project site

To find more information about your project site, such as watershed boundaries, lakes and streams, and council district areas, launch the interactive map by clicking the button below:

Launch Interactive Mapping Tool

Tips for using the Interactive Mapping Tool:

Four different types of information or "layers" are available on this map. By clicking on the layer list on the upper left corner (the stack of squares) you can open up the list make a selection. By default, all layers are on when opened.

  • Wastewater service area shows the area that WTD serves; projects must provide a benefit to water quality within this area.
  • Watershed boundaries shows the larger drainage basin. For more information see King County watersheds
  • Council districts show the areas for the nine elected King County Council Members.
  • Streams shows the location and names of streams. You must zoom in to see this feature.

To zoom in or out, click on the + or - icon on the upper left corner of the map. You can also re-position by clicking and dragging, or re-center by clicking the home button.

Eligibility FAQ

You may apply for this funding if you partner with one of the eligible entities listed and they act as fiscal agent. The fiscal agent would sign the grant agreement and be responsible for submitting progress and expense reports. Be clear on roles in the scope of work and budget.

If a project is physically outside the service area but creates a water quality benefit to the service area, it could be eligible for funding. If you have questions, please contact the Grant Administrator.

No. Recipients of WaterWorks grants are not limited in their ability to submit applications or be awarded funding in the next cycle.

Yes. Projects that are not awarded funding may reapply in the next round. We will provide feedback on grant proposals upon request, and if you're submitting a similar proposal, we recommend you do this.
