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News about Councilmember Girmay Zahilay

See the latest news from Councilmember Zahilay.

2024 News

September 23, 2024
Council Embarks Upon 2025 Budget Process Upcoming Meetings and Town Halls
The King County Council, under the leadership of Budget and Fiscal Management Chair Girmay Zahilay, is set to begin reviewing a proposed $10.2 billion budget for King County for 2025, and is offering multiple opportunities for the public to learn about and weigh in on the Council’s budget priorities.

September 5, 2024
Zahilay Announces Plan for $1 Billion Regional Workforce Housing Initiative
“This initiative is about ensuring that the people who power our economy can afford to live near where they work. By leveraging King County’s financial resources and partnering with both public and private entities, I believe we can create sustainable, affordable housing solutions for thousands of workers around the region.”

July 16, 2024
Council approves $178 million supplemental budget, with funding to address housing, gun violence, traffic patrols, more
“My goals as Budget Chair are to ensure King County delivers the best possible services while abiding by smart budgeting principles that allow us to navigate a general fund shortfall and economic uncertainty. I think our Council struck the right balance with this supplemental budget. We won’t be spending beyond our means, but we will also be supporting critical services and infrastructure projects that benefit residents of King County."

July 10, 2024
Zahilay proposes $1 million for comprehensive gun violence prevention strategy
“Gun violence has been increasing in King County for several years now. This trend is as unacceptable as it is preventable. Today, I proposed a comprehensive plan to address this crisis through King County’s budget. By building on the five pillars laid out in my plan, I believe we can more effectively respond to and even prevent the shootings and deaths we are seeing all too frequently. I look forward to working with partners around the region to create a safer community for all.”

June 11, 2024
Zahilay awards Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Distinguished Service to Matt Chan
“This award is a celebration of Matt’s life and legacy of advocacy, storytelling, empowerment, and service. This legacy lives on in every film he’s made, every life he’s touched, every movement he’s helped build, and every voice he’s amplified. As we reflect on Matt’s contributions, let us carry forward his passion for justice, commitment for community, and unwavering spirit of advocacy.” 

April 16, 2024
$20/Hour Minimum Wage Proposal Clears Key Committee Action
“Today’s committee vote to increase the minimum wage in unincorporated King County is a big step toward investing in the workers, families, and economy of every corner of our region. I’m proud and grateful of the work we’ve done in partnership with small businesses and labor partners in unincorporated King County to make sure that everyone can share in our county’s prosperity.”

January 16, 2024
Zahilay proud to join Sound Transit Board
“It is an honor to join the Sound Transit Board to help build a world-class transportation system for the residents of King County. I will prioritize building a system that is reliable, accessible, affordable, safe, and growing in a timely way to every corner of our region..."

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