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Public notices

Notice of intent to update administrative rules

King County Elections (KCE) proposes to update Public Rule ELE-9-1-5-PR, under the authority of King County Code chapter 1.10 and RCW 29A.32.230.

Public Rule ELE-9-1-5-PR contains administrative rules for the creation of the King County Local Voters’ Pamphlet. The proposed updates put the administrative rules in line with changes to state law around the submission of statements supporting or opposing ballot measures.

Any interested person may submit written comments concerning the proposed rules.

Comments must be received by KCE no later than 4:30 pm on November 12, 2024.

Comments may be submitted via regular mail to:
King County Elections
Attn: William Cavecche
919 SW Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

View the proposed rules.

Canvassing Board meetings

See the Canvassing Board page for information.

Notice of election

The current notice of election is available on the current elections page.

Voter registration challenges

See the Voter Registration Challenges page for information.
