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For consultants

Who must file

Consultants entering into a contract to provide professional or technical services to King County in excess of the amount specified in King County executive policy shall complete and file a consultant disclosure form.

"Consultant" means a person (e.g. individual, partnership, association, corporation, firm, institution, or other entity) who by experience, training, and education has established a reputation or ability to provide professional or technical services on a discrete, nonrecurring basis over a limited and pre-established term as an independent contractor to King County.

Where to file

File a copy with the King County Ethics Program, 201 S. Jackson St., Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104.

What to disclose

  • The name of any former county employee who is or will be working for the consultant on this contract whose employment with the county ended within two years from the signing of this form
  • The name of any former county employee who has a financial or beneficial interest in this contract whose employment with the county ended within two years from the signing of this form
  • Any office or directorship in the consultant held by any county employee or member of his or her immediate family
  • Any financial interest in the consultant held or received by any county employee or any member of his or her immediate family
  • Any position or positions on any county board or commission, whether salaried or unsalaried, held by any officer or director of the consultant in the five years immediately preceding the presently contemplated contract
  • Any other information known to the consultant about any interest or relationship between any county employee, including any member of his or her immediate family and the consultant other than that disclosed above

Responsibilities and penalties

No payment shall be made on any contract with any consultant until five days after receipt by the Ethics Program and the executive of the information required to be disclosed.

Both consultant and contracting department are responsible for ensuring compliance with this requirement.
