Rewards and recognition program
The Rewards and Recognition Program recognizes industrial wastewater dischargers in King County that meet or exceed wastewater discharge permit requirements.
These award winners help protect public health and the environment by controlling the discharge of harmful substances that damage wastewater treatment infrastructure, degrade wastewater treatment, and reduce biosolids quality.
Gold, Silver, and Commitment to Compliance Awards
The King County Industrial Waste program recognizes significant industrial users of the sewer system who maintain an excellent record of compliance with the rules and regulations during the previous calendar year. Dischargers are awarded with a Gold or Silver award based on their level of compliance and companies that receive five consecutive gold awards are recognized with a Commitment to Compliance Award.
Gold Award
2024 Gold Award recipients
Thanks to our 2024 Gold Award recipients for working with our program to protect public health and enhance the environment:
- ABAF - Imaginetics
- Aerojet Rocketdyne Inc.
- AGC Biologics Inc. - North Campus
- AGC Biologics Inc. - South Campus
- Alaskan Copper Works - 6th Ave.
- Auburn Dairy Products Inc.
- Auto-Chlor System
- BNSF Railway Co. - Interbay Facility
- Boeing Commercial Airplane - Auburn
- Boeing Commercial Airplane - North Field
- Boeing Company - Plant 2 Facility
- Boeing Electronics Center
- Cedar Grove Composting Inc.
- Davis Wire Corp.
- Elysian Brewing Company - Airport Way S.
- Exotic Metals Forming Co.
- Glacier Northwest Inc. - Kenmore Facility
- Honeywell International Inc.
- Hytek Finishes Co.
- Just - Evotec Biologics Inc.
- King County WTD - North Mercer/Enatai Interceptor Upgrade
- Lafarge - Seattle Plant
- Meta Platforms Technologies LLC - RED9461 Matrix
- MicroSurgical Technology Inc.
- National Products Inc.
- Partner Therapeutics
- Precor Inc. - Plant 2
- Romac Industries Inc.
- Seattle Genetics North Creek
- Seattle, City of - SPU - Kent Highlands Landfill
- Terex Washington Inc. - South Campus
- TLP Management Services LLC
- UniSea Inc.
- Waste Management National Services - Duwamish Reload Facility
Gold Award criteria
The Gold Award is given to individual facilities that meet the following criteria during the calendar year:
- Possess an active industrial wastewater discharge permit each month
- Discharged industrial wastewater for at least three months
- Collected all samples required by its permit
- No King County-issued violations (code, permit, discharge) or other actions (final notices, fines, enforcement) issued to the permitted facility
- Has not been under a compliance order
- Has not been in significant noncompliance status
- No late reports
- No self-monitoring violations
Special notes:
- Mid-tier facilities are eligible for the award.
- A monthly average violation or a self-reported permit or code violation that only requires a response letter is the same as a self-monitoring violation.
- Reports are considered late if they are received by King County past the due date (some exceptions are made when the due date falls on a weekend or holiday).
- If one or more self-monitoring reports for a permit with multiple locators is late (in a single reporting period), it’s considered as one late report for award evaluation.
- A single screening level exceedance is not a violation. However, multiple exceedances requiring King County or facility action (in accordance with permit conditions) is considered a King County violation for the purposes of award evaluation. Three out of four screening level exceedances that require facility action are equivalent to a single self-monitoring violation.
- For violations and significant noncompliance, award evaluation is based on the issuance date of the official notification and not the date of the violation or determination of significant noncompliance.
- For compliance orders, award evaluation is based on the facility being under any compliance order during the evaluation period.
- If a discharge volume violation is less than 20 percent the permitted discharge volume, it is considered a “warning” for purposes of award evaluation. If the discharge volume violation is greater than 20 percent over the permitted discharge volume, it is considered a King County violation for purposes of award evaluation.
Silver Award
2024 Silver Award recipients
Thanks to our 2024 Silver Award recipients for working with our program to protect public health and enhance the environment:
- ASKO Processing Inc.
- Baker Commodities Inc.
- Boeing Commercial Airplane - Renton
- Burlington Environmental LLC - Kent
- Cintas Corporation
- Darigold Inc. - Rainier Plant
- Emerald Services Inc. - Airport Way Facility
- Industrial Container Services - WA LLC
- Magnetic and Penetrant Services Co. (MAPSCO) dba Valence Surface Technologies
- National Industrial Concepts
- Phillips 66 Company - Renton Terminal
- Port of Seattle, Sea-Tac International Airport, IWS - IWTP
- Primus International - University Swaging Division
- Safeway Inc. - Milk and Ice Cream Plant
- Skills Inc. - Auburn Facility
- Western Washington Coca-Cola Bottling LLC
Silver Award criteria
The Silver Award is given to individual facilities that meet the following criteria during the calendar year:
- Possess an active industrial wastewater discharge permit each month
- Discharged industrial wastewater for at least three months
- Collected all samples required by its permit
- No King County-issued violations (code, permit, discharge) or other actions (final notices, fines, enforcement) issued to the permitted facility
- Has not been in significant noncompliance status
- Has not been under a compliance order
- No more than one late report
- Has not exceeded the number of self-monitoring violations allowed, as follows:
Sampling Frequency | Number of samples per year in violation |
Semi-annual and quarterly | 0 |
Monthly and bi-monthly | 1 |
Weekly | 2 |
Daily | 4 |
Special notes:
- Mid-tier facilities are eligible for the award.
- A monthly average violation or a self-reported permit or code violation that only requires a response letter is the same as a self-monitoring violation.
- Reports are considered late if they are received by King County past the due date (some exceptions are made when the due date falls on a weekend or holiday).
- If one or more self-monitoring reports for a permit with multiple locators is late (in a single reporting period), it’s considered as one late report for award evaluation.
- When a single self-monitoring sample is taken in a month, and it violates both the daily average limit and monthly average limit, it is counted as a single violation.
- A single screening level exceedance is not a violation. However multiple exceedances requiring King County or facility action (in accordance with permit conditions) is considered a King County violation for the purposes of this award evaluation. Three out of four screening level exceedances that require facility action are equivalent to a single self-monitoring violation.
- For violations and significant noncompliance, award evaluation is based on the issuance date of the official notification and not the date of the violation or determination of significant noncompliance.
- For compliance orders, award evaluation is based on the facility being under any compliance order during the evaluation period.
- If a discharge volume violation is less than 20 percent the permitted discharge volume, it is considered a “warning” for purposes of award evaluation. If the discharge volume violation is greater than 20 percent over the permitted discharge volume, it is considered a King County violation for purposes of award evaluation.
EnvirOvation Award
The King County Industrial Waste Program (KCIW) recognizes companies and facilities within the King County sewer service area that are leaders in environmental protection with the EnvirOvation Award. The award is given to facilities that have KCIW discharge approvals and voluntarily go beyond their regulatory obligations to manage their operations in ways that help protect public health and enhance the environment. EnvirOvation award winners are eligible for consideration for the next Leaders in Waste Reduction Green Globe award, King County’s highest environmental award.
Companies and facilities can self-nominate for the award by filling out this application form. Please read through the eligibility and award criteria to determine if you are eligible.
Eligibility Criteria
- Facility must have had a KCIW approval to discharge industrial wastewater to the King County sewer system for the year in which award is applied for.
- Facility must have an excellent record of compliance for the year in which award is applied for based on conditions specified within its discharge approval from KCIW.
- Achievements must be related to a facility’s industrial wastewater discharges, such as reductions in water use, chemical use, reductions in pollutant concentration and overall pollutant loading, or an innovative pollution control strategy.
- The achievements must have been in place for a minimum of one full year prior to a facility’s application for the award, with demonstrated effectiveness.
- Facility must have made the applicable change(s) voluntarily and not as the result of a compliance order, regulatory mandate, or applying standard industry practices.
- Facility must submit all required information using the KCIW application. Applications are available on the program’s web pages at by following the links to “rewards and recognition program” and then “EnvirOvation Award” or by contacting the program.
Award Criteria
- Facilities that have implemented a pollution prevention strategy beyond requirements by regulatory authority. OR
- Facilities that have significantly reduced the concentration of chemicals discharged to King County not related to production changes. OR
- Facilities that have significantly updated their pretreatment equipment or methods beyond requirement of regulatory authority. OR
- Facilities that have significantly reduced their water use not related to fluctuations in production.