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Lakeland Hills Pump Station replacement

The Lakeland Hills Pump Station Replacement Project will replace the aging Lakeland Hills Pump Station and build a new facility in Auburn to upgrade sewer services in south King County.

Project description

King County owns and operates the Lakeland Hills Pump Station. King County will replace the aging Lakeland Hills Pump Station and build a new facility in Auburn to upgrade sewer services in south King County. The Lakeland Hills Pump Station is an important part of King County’s connected systems of pipes and pumps. The pump station moves sewage from homes, schools, and businesses in the Auburn area to South Treatment Plant in Renton to be treated, eventually sending it off safely into the Puget Sound. Replacing the pump station will prevent sewage overflows and help serve the growing population of Auburn for many years.

Project update

March 2025

Upcoming soil investigation work within and near Roegner Park

Starting as early as March 24, 2025 crews working for King County Wastewater Treatment Division will begin soil investigation in your neighborhood for the Lakeland Hills Pump Station Replacement Project. Crews will use a drill rig to drill four, 6-inch diameter holes to depths of up to 70 feet. After initial soil investigation, crews will install equipment to allow for ongoing groundwater monitoring. This work will provide detailed information about soil conditions for where the future pump station can be built. For safety reasons, please do not approach crews while they are working.  

Read our latest mailer update to learn more.

Lakeland Hills Pump Station new site options identified

Watch the recording of our February 13th session!

We covered updates on the alternative sites, answered questions, and listened to community feedback.

In January 2024, King County gathered feedback on the location of the proposed wastewater pump station. Your input was invaluable in helping us understand community perspectives and priorities.

We are excited to share three proposed site alternatives:

  • Existing pump station
  • North of the existing pump station
  • Across Oravetz Road, adjacent to Mill Pond Park

Site map displaying three three proposed site alternatives: 1. existing pump station, 2. north of the existing pump station, and 3. across Oravetz Road, adjacent to Mill Pond Park
*Sizes of the site alternatives are approximate and may not reflect exact measurements. 

Read our latest mailer update for more information about the proposed sites. 

Read this mailer update in: Español (Spanish) | Українська (Ukrainian) | Kajin M̧ajeļ (Marshallese) | العَرَبِيةُ (Arabic) | Tagalog

We anticipate announcing the final site selection later in 2025. 

Short term construction projects completed!

The generator and elevator installation project began in April 2023 and was completed as of December 2024.


Project location
