Cedar River Council
This page provides information about the Cedar River Council (CRC), a public forum connecting people for Cedar River health.
The Cedar River Council (CRC) is an independent public forum that promotes the health of the Cedar River.
CRC advises and advocates on topics relating to:
- Public safety
- Fish habitat restoration and protection
- Flooding
- Water supply and quality
- Climate change
- River access and uses
The CRC began meeting in 1995 to help King County fulfill the goals of the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan, adopted 1997. (K.C.C. Motion 9410 and ordinance 12809.)
CRC members include basin residents, environmental interests, local businesses, and governmental interests from local, state, federal and tribes.
Meeting Materials
March 25, 2025 - Draft Meeting Notes
January 21, 2025 - Draft Meeting Notes
January 21, 2025 - Presentation: Sub Area Planning, Cedar RIver - Maple Valley Watershed
November 19, 2024, Draft Meeting Notes
November 19, 2024 Presentation: Rutledge Johnson Partial Levee Removal and Floodplain Restoration
Meeting archives
All King County websites are undergoing a systemwide migration to a new website system to better serve the public. At this time, all archived meeting information has been moved to the following Microsoft Sharepoint page that is accessible to the public. All meetings are arranged in folders by year, followed by subfolders containing their respective meeting dates and meeting documents. Each year also contains a PDF outlining the topics discussed or presented that year as a reference, similar to what you may have seen on the CRC main page in the past.