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About the Transfer of Development Rights Program’s Property Map

How to use the TDR Property Map

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The TDR Property Map is an interactive map showing the locations of TDR sending sites, TDR receiving sites, as well as connections between the sites. The different layers may be turned on or off by clicking the box next to the name of the layer within the "Layer List" tab. (See below for tips on navigating and using the map). 

Sending site notes

Sending sites are properties where TDRs have been transferred away from the property. Future development is restricted at sending sites. Some sending sites are single parcels, and others comprise many parcels. Sending Site markers are placed at the approximate center of one of the central parcels of the entire sending site property.  The Sending Site Parcels layer shows the property boundaries of all parcels associated with a single sending site. The pop-up window (shown by clicking a Sending Site marker) shows data about the sending site, including the total number of TDRs allocated, total acreage, and zoning of the sending site. Learn more about TDR Sending Sites.

Receiving site notes

Receiving sites are properties that have used TDRs to develop additional lots, units, or square footage. Receiving Site markers are placed at the approximate center of one of the central parcels of the receiving site where TDRs were used to increase the number of units or square footage associated with a receiving site. The parcel on which the marker is located is not necessarily the only parcel that “used” the TDRs. This is particularly true in plat developments (subdivisions into more than four lots). In many cases one or more TDRs were used at receiving sites to increase the total number of units allowed in a subdivision. The Receiving Site Parcels layer shows the boundaries of the entire development project wherein TDRs were applied. The Receiving Site pop-up window indicates the number of additional units, lots, or square footage obtained in the development with TDR. Learn more about TDR Receiving Sites.

King County TDR bank

The King County TDR bank site is not a true “site” (the icon is placed at the King County TDR Program offices). The King County TDR bank provides a mechanism for King County to facilitate the private TDR market and bridge the time gap between willing sellers and willing buyers of development rights. The TDR bank buys, holds, and sells TDRs from private parties to facilitate inter-jurisdictional transfers of development rights (i.e., county-to-city TDR). Learn more about the King County TDR bank.

Site connections

The arrows connecting sending sites and receiving sites in the TDR Property Map show the origin of TDRs used at receiving sites. All receiving sites will have at least one site connection arrow. Sending sites may or may not have a site connection. Even if no site connection from a sending site exists at this time, some development rights have been transferred from the sending site, and future development at the sending site is restricted by the terms of a conservation easement.

Map navigation

Drag mouse to pan

Use arrow keys to pan

Mouse scroll forward to zoom in

Mouse scroll backward to zoom out

Use + key to zoom in a level

Use - key to zoom out a level

SHIFT + drag to zoom in

SHIFT + CTRL + drag the mouse to zoom out

SHIFT + click to recenter


Map use tips

Get information about a site:

Single click the site marker in the map to view a “pop-up window”

Zoom to specific area:

Hold SHIFT key and left mouse button, then draw rectangle over area of interest

Zoom to a site:

Open the "Query TDR sites" tab (magnifying glass icon), and select which type of site / site connection you want to search by. Then make your selection from the "Site name is" dropdown (under the "Query criteria" header), and click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the pane.

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