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Housing and Community Development Funding Opportunities

Our funding programs help build affordable homes and inclusive communities. We do this by awarding funds to community groups and cities through contracts – making them the primary vehicle for our services. This page includes links to current funding awards and information for providers interested in contracting with us.

In this section

Bus Ticket Program

The Human Services Bus Ticket Program (HSBTP) provides subsidized bus tickets to eligible human service agencies serving persons who are experiencing homelessness and/or have low income.

Community Development

King County’s Community Development program funds infrastructure and building upgrades throughout King County.

Housing Finance Program

The King County Housing Finance Program (HFP) administers funds for the development and preservation of affordable housing throughout King County.

Operating Support, Rental Assistance and Supportive Services

Programs provide housing and services to people in King County who are experiencing homelessness.

Equitable Development Initiative

King County’s Equitable Development Initiative provides capacity building and capital funds for community-driven and community-owned development projects that address residential and cultural displacement throughout King County.

Housing Consortium, Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC)

The Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC) is an inter-jurisdictional body that provides funding recommendations and advice on guidelines and procedures for King County and its city partners on a wide range of housing and community development issues.

Zoom Grants Help

Using ZoomGrants to Submit and Manage Applications

Have more than one RFP you're applying for?  Download the PDF guide to using the ZoomGrants.

ZoomGrants University

Go to  ZoomGrants University for help with Getting Started, FAQs and more.

For Other Funding Opportunities

A list of all DCHS funding opportunities is available at Contracting with DCHS.

Looking for services?

Looking for services?

  • Contact the Resource Access Team to connect with services that include bridging short-term financial gaps.  
  • Call 2-1-1 or 1-800-621-4636, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. for a range of health and human services, from finding an emergency shelter to adult disability supports. Immediate language interpretation is available in more than 155 languages.  
  • Dial 7-1-1 for interpretation and accessibility services. A person with a hearing loss or speech disability will be connected with a Communication Assistant to help.  
  • Contact a Regional Access Point if you are living outside and need help finding a long-term housing solution. 
  • Keep King County Housed is a rent assistance and eviction program for renters who need help covering past-due rent and/or have an active eviction notice.  
  • If you are facing eviction, the Housing Justice Project provides free legal assistance to renters facing eviction in King County. 