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Influenza, or "the flu" spreads easily between people in schools, workplaces, and homes.

Almost everyone ages 6 months and older should get a flu vaccination every year. September and October are ideal times to get a flu shot, but if you don’t have a chance during the fall, it’s not too late! Getting vaccinated in the winter still gives you important protection.

Flu vaccine can prevent sickness, healthcare visits, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Protection lasts throughout the flu season, which usually peaks in January or February and continues into the spring. Talk with your healthcare provider or pharmacist about which flu vaccine is recommended for you.

Where to get a vaccine

See where to get a flu shot and other routine vaccinations.

Flu vaccine

Get flu vaccine safety information. Learn about vaccination options for healthy adults and high-risk groups, such as seniors and pregnant people.

For long-term care facilities

Access an influenza outbreak toolkit. Find downloadable signs for influenza outbreak preparation.

For health care providers

Find information on reporting, testing, and clinical guidance about influenza.

Weekly flu surveillance data dashboard

Highly detailed and illustrated weekly data dashboard on influenza cases in King County.
