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Sound Transit Police Department

Policing a transit system is unlike any other type of police work. A bus or train becomes a small, somewhat isolated community as people travel together. Therefore, proactive policing, community policing, and crime prevention are hugely important in these "mobile neighborhoods."

Sound Transit LogoNobody knows this better than Sound Transit Police Department, where the strategy for policing is very different from that of a city police department. Sound Transit Police Department provides high visibility patrol throughout passenger service periods, in partnership with local jurisdictions, seven days a week. The goal is to address quality of life issues and create a safe riding environment for the riding public. The department's crime analysis unit also collects and analyzes crime data that in turn supports plain clothes officers who provide an undercover presence to investigate incidents, and proactively prevent crimes before they happen.

When Sound Transit first started its dedicated police department in 2008, it was staffed initially with a police chief and a handful of deputies and sergeants. From there, the police chief implemented Sound Transit's vision for a significantly expanded department, which today has dozens of general and specialized officers and detectives, canine teams, bomb teams, crime analysis functions, and more. These officers are devoted specifically to keeping Sound Transit customers safe while riding on Sound Transit systems. And, as the Sound Transit railways continue to expand for regional passengers, the Sound Transit Police Department will continue to support that growth.

sound transit patch

"The canine dogs are great and make me feel safer, especially when I see them riding the train."

- Ken Rybock, Sound Transit Light Rail Operator

"Sound Transit Division deputies are friendly, respectful, and professional. I feel safe operating trains because deputies are visible, monitor the trains, and have quick response time – they’re always there when we need them."

- John Helm, Sound Transit Light Rail Operator
