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City of Carnation Police Department

City of Carnation was incorporated in 1913 and is a small, rural community of approximately 1,800 residents.

Its central location in the Snoqualmie Valley helps provide services to the region's many farms and rural subdivisions.

Carnation's residents are deeply committed to having a police force that is community oriented, locally-directed, and participatory, and sought that type of service when turning to the Sheriff's Office for a police partnership in late 2013.

Together, the Carnation City Manager and Sheriff's Office developed a tailored policing plan that includes one dedicated Carnation police officer who works from the city's police storefront, as well as around-the-clock supplemental patrol and emergency call response.

The full-time Carnation police officer is committed to being an out-of-the-car and out-of-the-box crime fighter, who talks daily with residents and business owners, involves volunteer groups, and integrates community problem solving wherever possible.

"Being a small town of only 1,800 people, Carnation residents pretty much know everybody. Likewise, residents want their police officers to know them individually as people, not just as somebody who lives within the city. Residents want officers to be out of their cars, walking down the main street, stopping in to talk with business owners. They want officers to be at our schools, talking with the kids, at recess and after school, watching and observing. They want officers to know where illegal activity is happening, and be visible in trying to deter that activity.

In selecting the Sheriff's Office to provide police services, the community was impressed with the professionalism of the department, its desire and commitment to be a "local" department, to work for and with the residents to provide the type of service desired by the community. We were also impressed with the department's ability to make things happen, without a lot of bureaucracy.

Although Carnation is so small that full-time coverage is not viable seven days a week, the response time and coverage by the department is such that our residents get the best possible service.

In a small town where everybody pretty much knows everybody, providing police services can be difficult. The Sheriff’s Office has done a masterful job of matching their service level to the needs and desires of the community."

- Ken Carter, former Carnation City Manager
