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2021 News

December 14, 2021:  The King County Council unanimously adopted the 2021 Urban Growth Capacity Report and 2021 Countywide Planning Policies.  The next step will be for the Council Clerk to send the documents out the cities for ratification, consistent with CPP FW-1.

December 1, 2021: GMPC approved Motion 21-3: approving a list of Candidate Countywide Centers, and Motion 21-4: establishing a process to revise the City of Sammamish’s growth targets. Click here.

July 1, 2021: GMPC approved the proposed 2021 Countywide Planning Policies and the 2021 Urban Growth Capacity Report.  These were transmitted to the County Council for their review and adoption.  Following this, the materials will be sent to cities and towns in King County for review and ratification per the process identified in Countywide Planning Policy G-1.  Click here to review the materials.

2021 GMPC Meeting Materials

December 1st Meeting Materials:

  1. Agenda
  2. June 23, 2021 Meeting Summary
  3. Public Comment
  4. Action Item: Motion Approving a list of Candidate Countywide Centers
    4a. Motion 21-3: Countywide Centers (approved)
    4b. Staff Report
    4c. Presentation Slides
  5. Discussion/Possible Action: 2021 King County Countywide Planning Policies Status Update
    a. Proposed Ordinance
    b. Ordinance Attachment - Engrossed Changes
    c. Comparison Document - GMPC Recommendation to Council Ordinance
    d. Staff Report
    e. Motion 21-4: Sammamish Targets (approved)
  6. Update on GMPC's Affordable Housing Committee work under GMPC Motion 2021-1
    a. Presentation Slides
  7. Initial Discussion of 2022 GMPC Workplan and Schedule

June 23rd Meeting Materials:

  1. June 23rd Agenda
  2. May 26th Meeting Summary
  3. Final Draft Urban Growth Capacity Report (UGC)
    3a) Staff Report UGC
    3b) Proposed Motion 21-2: Urban Growth Capacity Report
  4. Proposed 2021 Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs)
    4a) Staff Report, CPPs
    4b) Submitted Amendments, CPPs
    4c) Submitted Amendments Matrix, CPPs
    4d) Proposed Motion 21-1: Countywide Planning Policies
  5. Comments received on submitted Amendments
    5a) Joint KC RA UAC Comments
    5b) Futurewise Comments
    5c) Hollywood Hill Association Comments

May 26th Meeting Materials:

  1. May 26th Agenda
  2. March 31st Meeting Summary
    May 26, 2021 Meeting Presentation
  3. Proposed 2021 Countywide Planning Policies 
    3a) Staff Report, CPPs
    3b) Proposed Motion 21-1: Countywide Planning Policies

  4. CPP Public Review: Combined public comments
    4a) Additional Public Comment Received (KC Wastewater Division)
    4b) Additional Public Comment Received (Rural and Unincorporated Organizations)

  5. Draft UGC Report
    5a) Staff Report, UGC
    5b) Proposed Motion 21-2: Urban Growth Capacity Report

March 31st Meeting Materials:

  1. Agenda 
  2. February 24th Meeting Summary
  3. (public comment – no attachment)
  4. Countywide Planning Policies
  5. Urban Growth Capacity Staff Report
  6. 2021 GMPC Schedule
  7. Affordable Housing Committee Report (not an agenda item – for information only)

February 24th Meeting Materials:

  1. Agenda with meeting link
  2. December 2, 2020 Meeting summary
  3. Affordable Housing Committee Report
  4. 2021 Countywide Planning Policies Update Staff Report
  5. 6a Housing Chapter Report from the Affordable Housing Committee

January 27th Meeting Materials:

  1. Agenda 
  2. Summary of the concepts guiding the proposed changes by chapter
  3. IJT Preliminary Draft matrix of proposed changes to the policies by chapter

