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Register now for Strategic Plan SWOT Analysis Workshop

Virtual meeting takes place August 15, 2024

In June, the King County International Airport-Boeing Field (KCIA) Airport Strategic Plan project team completed a Mission and Vision workshop with KCIA staff, Airport Roundtable members, airport tenants, and community members. Based on the input received, the mission and vision statements are being updated to reflect KCIA's core competencies and future aspirations. This was the first of multiple workshops and meetings the project team will hold over the next several months to share information and collect input used to inform the Airport Strategic Plan.

The updated draft mission and vision statements will be presented and discussed during a virtual workshop on Thursday, August 15 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. This workshop's focus is to analyze and collect input on KCIA's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats or SWOT. Your feedback will help the project team to identify what internal strengths and external opportunities exist to help define KCIA's role in the region and community. Airport tenants, airport users, and interested community members are all invited to attend.

This workshop will be held on Zoom. Click here to register.

To receive email updates and opportunities to engage on the Airport Strategic Plan, email us at or visit our project website to learn more.
