Emergency Management Advisory Committee
The Washington State Emergency Management Division calls King County Homeland Security Region 6. Our county emergency management office h provides services regionally based on the King County Code. Our county is divided into 3 zones with the Emergency Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) keeping track of what happens in each.
What we do
- Advises, assists, reviews, and comments on:
- Emergency management and homeland security issues
- Regional planning
- Policies
- Measures and prioritizes core capabilities
- Recommends homeland security allocations and work products to boost preparedness and operational levels
EMAC members:
- Provide regional and multi-discipline perspectives
- Represent the needs and concerns of:
- Cities
- Fire service
- Law enforcement
- Hospitals
- The Port of Seattle
- Government
- Special purpose districts
- Tribes
- Utilities
- Non-profit agencies
- The private sector
Meeting information
All EMAC meetings are open to the public.
- We meet on the second Wednesday of the month.
- During even-numbered months, the meeting is from 10 am to noon at the RCECC.
- During odd-numbered months, the meeting is from 10 to 11:30 am virtually on Teams.
Email HLS.Region6@kingcounty.gov for a meeting invite.
EMAC members
- 2023 Chair: Neil Crosier, King County Metro
- 2023 Vice-Chair: Curry Mayer, City of Seattle
- Committee Lead: Lexi Swanson, King County Emergency Management
Regional Coordination
This subcommittee is focused on coordinating emergency management efforts across King County and the region to share best practices, reduce duplication of efforts, and develop shared regional response capabilities. Members include subject matter experts within emergency management and response partners at all levels.
The Regional Coordination subcommittee meets virtually on the last Tuesday of the month at 2 pm.
OEM Lead: Nick Gibbons, nicholas.gibbons@kingcounty.gov
EMAC Lead: Neil Crosier, neil.crosier@kingcounty.gov
Executive Communications and Public Policy
This subcommittee is dedicated to fostering relationships and open communication with high level directors and elected or appointed officials in order to communicate issues being undertaken by emergency management professionals. Membership includes current directors and appointed or elected officials as well as individuals who are practiced in executive level communication, education, and public policy.
The Executive Communication and Public Policy subcommittee meets virtually on the third Monday of the month at 11:00 am.
OEM Lead: Brendan McCluskey, bmccluskey@kingcounty.gov
EMAC Lead: Curry Mayer, curry.mayer@seattle.gov
Community Outreach Workgroup
This subcommittee is devoted to increasing public preparedness through outreach efforts and material development. This can include disaster skills trainings, attending community events, and hosting forums to share resources and best practices for community educators. They also support CERT teams through trainings and providing materials. Membership includes professionals working in the field of public education, communication, and emergency management.
The Community Outreach Workgroup meets virtually every other month on the second Thursday at 10 am.
OEM Lead: Susanna Trimarco, strimarco@kingcounty.gov
Mass Care Workgroup
This subcommittee is working to build relationships with vulnerable populations. The group shares about recent incidents in the region and beyond with mass care implications and discusses lessons learned in the area of mass care. They also work to draft grant projects to increase regional capacity and response capability. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in caring for the needs of the public during and after a major event.
The Mass Care Workgroup meets virtually on the second Thursday of the month at 1 pm.
OEM Lead: Nathan Emory, nemory@kingcounty.gov