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Improving childhood lead poisoning prevention and increasing blood-lead testing in focus communities

Request for Applications (RFA)

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Important details

➔ Due date: No later than July 26, 2024, 5 pm

➔ Contact: Saba Al Harazi:

➔ Submit questions and application by email:

➔ Short URL:


The Lead and Toxics Program at Public Health – Seattle & King County seeks partnerships with community-based organizations to prevent childhood lead poisoning and increase blood-lead testing. While we have made significant progress raising awareness about the importance of lead poisoning prevention, King County still faces significant challenges to eliminating lead poisoning in our communities, improving blood-lead testing rates, and connecting children with higher blood-lead levels to developmental services.

  • Full RFA document with details (597 KB)
  • Addendum 1 (333 KB): This addendum describes a second pre-application conference meeting to be held Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Details also shown below.
  • Addendum 2 (252 KB): Questions and answers from the July 16, 2024 pre-application confeence
  • Addendum 3: Budget Template (24 KB, MS Excel)

Pre-Application Conference

Public Health — Seattle & King County conducted two pre-Application conferences for this RFA on June 27th and July 16th which were an opportunity for interested organizations to hear more about the program and to ask questions about the program and/or the application process. See Addendum 2 above that covers Q&A from the July 16th conference.
