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Courageous on and off the field: King County Councilmembers, Executive to honor Megan Rapinoe on retirement from soccer

October 6, 2023

As soccer legend and stalwart defender of human rights Megan Rapinoe wraps up her illustrious career, the King County Council and Executive Dow Constantine this week not only proclaimed the week in her honor, but councilmembers will join Constantine Friday at Rapinoe’s last home game with the OL Reign to present the proclamation to her in a ceremony after the game.

Councilmembers Claudia Balducci and Jeanne Kohl-Welles will attend Friday’s game along with Constantine, and at the end of regulation play will read and present Rapinoe with the proclamation as part of a larger celebration of her career.

“We’ve all seen Megan dominate on the soccer pitch, inspiring fans and young soccer players, especially young women, to pursue their love of the game,” Balducci said. “But what really makes her special is the way her impact is felt so far beyond the field, as Megan has also inspired many people to pursue justice, stand up against discrimination in all its forms, and commit to making our communities better places. We thank her for sharing her once-on-in-a-generation athletic talent with fans across King County and for being an authentic, unwavering role model for people around the world.”

Rapinoe, who first joined OL Reign in 2013 as part of the inaugural team, was already a soccer superstar even then, first appearing on the U.S. Women’s National Team in 2006, and going on to appear in four World Cups and represent the U.S. in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 Olympics.

But her hard work didn’t stop when the whistle blew at the end of each game. She has also been a stanch advocate for LGBTQ+ inclusion, transgender rights and an outspoken voice against racism, using her platform to protest racial injustice and fight for equal pay.

“Megan Rapinoe embodies the absolute best of sports – excellence, courage, athleticism, teamwork, and joy. Not only does her career demonstrate what an impressive athlete she is, but also her courage and commitment to equity and supporting causes that matter,” Kohl-Welles said. “From kneeling in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick to advocating for better pay for female athletes, she uses her platform to elevate others. Her achievements fulfill the promise of Title IX and she is a role model for young athletes everywhere. It’s been a joy to watch her play and an honor to have her play here. I wish her all the best in the next chapter.”

She has also been inducted into the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame and, in 2022, President Joe Biden awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. She was the first soccer play to ever be given the award.

“Megan Rapinoe’s extraordinary career leaves a unique mark on the game of soccer, locally and globally, as she has inspired millions of fans and more than a few future stars," Constantine said. "On the field and off, Megan leads the way as an advocate for equity and inclusion within the sport of soccer, and within our communities. We are fortunate to have had her here on our hometown OL Reign for all these years, and wish her the best as she moves on to an exciting new chapter.”

Rapinoe announced in July that she would retire from professional soccer after the conclusion of the 2023 season, and Friday’s game at Lumen Field will mark her last regular season home game with the Reign.

But with her professional career playing soccer wrapping up, Rapinoe has said in interviews that she plans to use her platform to do more work for equity and social justice.

Friday’s event will kick off not long after the final whistle, and will include a video highlighting Rapinoe’s career, speeches from OL Reign head coach Laura Harvey, teammates Lu Barnes and Jess Fishlock, and from Rapinoe herself, which will be broadcast on CBS Sports. The King County presentation will follow her speech.
