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King County Comprehensive Plan: Year 2010 docket summary

King County received twelve items on the docket that closed on June 30, 2010. Following is a summary of the major issues raised by these docket requests:

  • Expansion of the Urban Growth Area is proposed adjacent to Woodinville, Enumclaw and two proposals involving split parcels adjacent to Maple Valley;
  • Conduct joint planning to address the Snoqualmie Interchange;
  • Designate new commercial land in the Sammamish Valley;
  • Increase rural density from one home per 5 acres to one home per 2.5 acres on individual parcels in the Bear Creek and Fall City areas;
  • Convert a large tract of land from Mineral to Rural in the Ravensdale area;
  • Expand the West Hill Commercial Center by one parcel;
  • Continue to negotiate a range of water policy issues with the City of Seattle; and
  • Work with citizens preparing an update of the Vashon Town Plan.

Organization of report

The King County Code requires a docket report to include an alphabetical list of the docketed items and a chart of the docketed items including a brief summary of the request, the 2010 Council District where the property is located, and the corresponding Executive recommendation. A copy of the Executive response letter is also attached as part of this report.

2010 Docket alphabetical index

Last Name First Name, Middle Initial Council District Docket #
Blake (West Hill) Lawrence 5 11
Byrne (Maple Valley UGA) Edward and Mary 9 9
Chan (Woodinville Area) V. Joseph 3 4
Gladstone (City of Seattle) Judy 1,2,4,8 12
Hart (City of Woodinville) Hal 3 3
Hulburt (Enumclaw UGA) Josh 9 5
Kellogg (Wells Nursery) Charles 4 6
Luedke (Bear Creek area) Mark 3 8
Messer (Maple Valley) Warren D. 9 10
Moss (Snoqualmie Interchange) Allison 3 1
Roberts (Vashon town Plan) Barbara 8 7
Thorpe (Reserve Silica Corp.) Robert W. 9 2

2010 Docket summary chart in numeric order

Docket # Docket Item (Last name) Council District Recommendation
1 A request or a joint planning agreement related to the Snoqualmie Interchange to be conducted and included in the 2012 update of the King County Comprehensive Plan.

Allison Moss for Griffith and Puget Western
3 Agree to reopen discussions, using the June, 2008 Executive Recommended area zoning study recommendations as the starting point.
2 A proposal to redesignate a 402-acre silica sand mining site to Rural Area with RA-10 zoning.

Bob Thorpe for Reserve Silica Corp.
9 Agree to conduct a subarea plan to evaluate this proposal.
3 The city is proposing two expansions of the Urban Growth Area and their Potential Annexation Area. The northern property group is west of 140th Ave NE and south of NE 171st street. The southern property group is located on the west side of 148th Ave NE, north of NE 145th street.

Hal Hart for the City of Woodinville
3 Do not support. The proposed UGA expansion is not consistent with applicable Countywide Planning Policies and King County Comprehensive Plan policies.
4 A proposal for a new commercial zoning in the Sammamish Valley.

V. Joseph Chan
3 Do not support. The site is not adjacent to an existing commercial center or the Urban Growth Area Boundary.
5 A proposal to amend the Urban Growth Boundary near Enumclaw to add three parcels to the UGA and to provide these parcels with sewer service. All 3 parcels are within the Agricultural Production District. A separate docket form was submitted requesting that sewer service be made available to properties in the Rural Area.

Josh Hulbert
9 Do not support. Inconsistent with KCCP Policy R-654, which requires that removal of the land will not diminish the productivity of prime agricultural soils or the effectiveness of farming within the local APD boundaries; and

That the land is determined to be no longer suitable for agricultural purposes.

In addition to meeting these two tests, removal of the land from the APD may only occur if it is mitigated through the addition of agricultural land abutting the same APD of equal acreage and of equal or greater soils and agriculture value.

The proposal to allow sewer service for property within the Rural Area is not consistent with KCCP Policy F-249, and King County Chapter 13.24.134, which only allow sewer extensions to the Rural Area to serve public schools when there is no feasible alternative and to serve existing structures when a septic system fails and there is no feasible alternative.
6 This is a request to rezone the old Wells Nursery site in Fall City from RA-5 to RA-2.5.

Charles Kellogg for Blue Hills LLC.
3 Do not support. No KCCP land use map amendment is needed as all properties designated Rural Area have the same land use map designation regardless of zoning. KCCP policies R-304 through R-309 do not support rezones for higher density in the Rural Area. Further, Policy R-309 states that the RA-2.5 zone was applied to areas with a predominant lot pattern below 5 acres in size that were created prior to 1994.
7 This docket informs the County that the Vashon-Maury Island Community Council has formed a committee to prepare a recommended update of the Vashon Town Plan for consideration during the 2012 update of the King County Comprehensive Plan.

Barbara Roberts for the Vashon Town Plan Committee
8 Executive staff continues to provide technical support as requested for this community-based planning effort.
8 A proposal to change the zoning of this 5.2 acre parcel from RA-5 to R-1 to allow a short subdivision to create one additional lot.

Marc Luedke
3 Do not support. No KCCP land use map amendment is needed as all properties designated Rural Area have the same land use map designation regardless of zoning. KCCP policies R-304 through R-309 do not support rezones for higher density in the Rural Area. Further, Policy R-309 states that the RA-2.5 zone was applied to areas with a predominant lot pattern below 5 acres in size that were created prior to 1994.
9 A request to add this property to the Urban Growth Area; it would also be included within the Potential Annexation Area of Maple Valley. Subject property is split by the UGA boundary line.

Edward and Mary Byrne
9 Agree to study this issue to determine whether a single land use designation is appropriate for a parcel split by the UGA boundary.
10 A request to add this property to the Urban Growth Area; it would also be included within the Potential Annexation Area of Maple Valley. Subject property is split by the UGA boundary line.

Warren D. Messer
9 Agree to study this issue to determine whether a single land use designation is appropriate for a parcel split by the UGA boundary.
11 A request to add a parcel to the West Hill commercial center.

Lawrence Blake
5 Agree to conduct a subarea plan to determine whether an expansion of the West Hill commercial area is warranted.
12 This docket references ongoing discussions with King County about water planning issues. The City is raising issues about King County review of water system plans. The City seeks amendments to King County Code Chapter 13.24 and several KCCP policies, including but not limited to F-226, F-239, F-240, F-241, and F-242.

Judy Gladstone for the City of Seattle
1,2,4,8 Agree to continue discussions with the City of Seattle regarding unresolved water policy issues.