Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' System (LEOFF-1) member information
Information about benefits for current and retired law enforcement and fire fighters in unincorporated King County.
Who is eligible for benefits?
Any law enforcement officer or firefighter employed by an organization in unincorporated King County before October 1, 1977, is eligible for membership in the LEOFF-1 plan and entitled to the benefits defined under RCW 41.26 and the board's Rules, Policies and Procedures.
Claims for reimbursement
Important: A claim for reimbursement should be submitted to the board office no later than the second Wednesday of the month in which the claim needs to be reviewed.
View the claim submission deadline and meeting schedule
To the extent that information on the claim forms is inconsistent with the King County LEOFF-1 Board rules or with any statute or other legal authority, the inconsistency will be resolved in favor of the board rules and/or legal authority.
- Complete the appropriate medical, dental, or disability forms
- Give your completed forms to your employer
- LEOFF-1 offers long-term care services on a case-by-case basis
Benefits available to LEOFF-1 retirees
Submit the required employee and employer forms, plus the appropriate supplemental forms for the service you received. Submit a claim or preapproval request to your medical insurance first. Only amounts not covered by insurance can be claimed through the LEOFF-1 Disability Board.
For employees:
- Member’s Claim for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses – Form 6
For employers:
- Employer’s Statement: Claim for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses – Form 5
For medical and vision providers:
- Physician/Health Care Provider’s Statement - Form 7
- Physician/Health Care Provider’s Treatment Plan – Form 8
- Assisted care facility: Assessment of Need for Nursing Home or Assisted Living Care – Forms 9A, 9B, and 9C
- In-home care provider: Assessment of Need for Home Health Care – Forms 10A, 10B, and 10C
Complete all of the forms below. If you have dental insurance, submit a claim or preapproval request to your insurance first. Only amounts not covered by insurance can be claimed through the LEOFF-1 Disability Board.
Refer to the dental information in Rule 9.9 on page 38 of Rules, Policies and Procedures.
An employer may forward a claim to the board for final approval. If the board questions the reasonableness of charges or necessity of treatment, the board may require an independent evaluation by a board-selected dentist/specialist.
For employees:
- Member’s Claim for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses – Form 6
- Police and Firefighters Dental Expense – Form 11
For employers:
- Employer’s Statement: Claim for Reimbursement of Medical Expenses – Form 5
For dental providers:
- Physician/Health Care Provider’s Statement – Form 7
Long-term care
The LEOFF-1 Plan offers long-term care services for its members on a case-by-case basis as long as the board has approved the services in advance. To expedite preapproval, contact the member's employer to help you with the preapproval process.
The board will review and consider for approval the placement and payment of charges for LEOFF-1 member care in an adult family home, boarding home or nursing home under the following conditions:
- A physician or advanced registered nurse practitioner prescribes placement;
- The facility has a current license for adult family care, boarding home care or nursing home care in the state of Washington;
- If the facility is located outside Washington state, the facility is licensed in the state or country where it’s located and the licensing requirements are similar, equal to or greater than those required by the State of Washington (the LEOFF-1 member is responsible for providing documentary evidence of such licensing);
- If placement exceeds six months, the facility provides the board with a treatment plan, followed by updated progress reports from a treating physician every six months;
- The LEOFF-1 member is eligible for Medicare and has either applied for or begun receiving both Part A and Part B Medicare coverage, whether paid for by the employer or the member (the board must authorize reimbursements from Part B); and
- The provider or member submits claims for payment directly to the member's insurance, third-party payor or employer, and the member shows the board proof of submission.
LEOFF-1 Board
Important: A claim for reimbursement should be submitted to the board office no later than the second Wednesday of the month in which the claim needs to be reviewed.
The King County Disability Retirement Board for LEOFF-1 rules on claims for reimbursement of medical expenses and applications for disability leave and retirement benefits mandated by the Washington state LEOFF-1 retirement plan.
Board members
The board consists of five voting members, plus a medical consultant, a mental health consultant, a legal consultant, and an administrator.
Tom Smith, Chair
Ted Fehr, Vice Chair
Suburban cities
Craig Reynolds, Councilmember – City of Mercer Island
Nancy Ledgerwood-VanVleck
Metropolitan King County Council
Board meetings
LEOFF-I board meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. You may join a meeting in person in the Chinook Building, Conference Room 233 (second floor), 401 Fifth Ave., Seattle, or you can Join via Zoom.
2025 Claim Deadlines
- Wednesday, Jan. 15
- Wednesday, Feb. 12
- Wednesday, March 12
- Wednesday, April 16
- Wednesday, May 14
- Wednesday, June 11
- Wednesday, July 16
- Wednesday, Aug. 13
- Wednesday, Sept. 10
- Wednesday, Oct. 15
- Wednesday, Nov. 12
- Wednesday, Dec. 17
2025 Meeting Dates
- Wednesday, Jan. 29
- Wednesday, Feb. 26
- Wednesday, March 26
- Wednesday, April 30
- Wednesday, May 28
- Wednesday, June 25
- Wednesday, July 30
- Wednesday, Aug. 27
- Wednesday, Sept. 24
- Wednesday, Oct. 29
- Wednesday, Nov. 26
- Wednesday, Dec. 31
Additional resources
- Washington State Department of Retirement Systems LEOFF Plan 1
- Washington State Department of Retirement Systems
- LEOFF-1 Coalition
- – only available to LEOFF-1 members who have registered
- Retired Firefighters of Washington
- Washington State Law Enforcement Association
- Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 415-104 (LEOFF-1)
- Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 415-105 (LEOFF-1)
- Chapter 41.26 RCW (LEOFF-1 and general information)
Frequently asked questions about LEOFF-1
The board reviews claims for reimbursement of expenses not covered by your health insurance after your jurisdiction submits them to the board for consideration and review. The board then makes a recommendation to your jurisdiction based on the board rules and regulations in effect at the time. Ultimately, however, it is up to your jurisdiction to approve and reimburse you for medical expenses.
Your completed claim forms must be submitted to the board's office so that they are received by the second Wednesday of the month in which you want your claim to be reviewed. Send your claim forms to King County Disability Retirement Board, The Chinook Building CNK-ES-0240, 401 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-2333. The board meets on the last Wednesday of the month.
Your claim must be submitted to your employer within six months of your receipt of the original billing. A claim submitted after this time will only be approved by the board if it is submitted late due to circumstances not within the control of the member.
If your claim is submitted by the second Wednesday of the month in which you want your claim reviewed, the board will usually be able to make a determination on your claim during its meeting on the last Wednesday of that month. However, if your claim is incomplete or the board needs additional information concerning your claim, the board's determination may take longer.
The board rules on claims once a month at the regular meeting scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month. If the claim is complete, with all required documentation, the board can make a decision right away. However, if insufficient medical information is provided, the board may need to defer action and request submission of additional materials. In any case, the board chairman will send you a letter with the board's determination within a week of the board meeting. A copy is sent to your LEOFF-1 employer at the same time.
If you have Medicare, or are enrolled in insurance through your employment or spouse, your expenses must be submitted to these sources before submission to the board. Obtaining reimbursement from insurance and/or Medicare can take as much as months and thus add to the time before the board can review your claim.
To allow enough time, plan on submitting all claim information, with proof of prior insurance reimbursement, to your LEOFF-1 employer so the completed claim can reach the board office at least 10 days before the next board meeting.
Due to the sensitive personal information often contained in a claim, portions of the meetings relating to specific applications are not open to individual members, employers or the general public. Determinations are made on the basis of written contents of the claim, supportive documentation submitted with it and the medical evidence provided. Therefore, your presence is not necessary. However, should you want to appeal a board decision, you may request reconsideration, come before the board, and have a full hearing.
For further information, review the Rules, Policies and Procedures document and search for sections 4.2 and 4.3.
To do so, a written request for such reconsideration must be submitted and filed with the board within 14 days from receipt of the retirement notification date.
Any health insurance plan you may be enrolled in, including Medicare or spouse's coverage, acts as primary coverage. That means all expenses must be submitted to and approved by primary coverage before submission to the board. The board will consider only those amounts not covered by or paid for by health care plans furnished by your employer, your spouse or Medicare.
Proof of prior submittal to insurance and/or Medicare is required. Therefore, you will need to attach the insurance "Explanation of Benefits" to your claim.
Yes and no. Each employing fire and public safety district sets the rules on this. Whether you must exhaust other leave before you may apply for disability leave is determined by your LEOFF-1 employer's personnel policies. You must check with your personnel officer and follow the policy set for using sick or other leave.
However, when you are off-duty due to disability, you will need to put in your application for LEOFF-1 disability leave benefits within a time specified by your employer. Check with your LEOFF-1 personnel officer to confirm the current leave policy in effect and requirements for notifying your employer of absence.
Claims for reimbursement of medical or dental expenses must be submitted to your employer within six months of your receipt of the original bill.
The board's award of disability retirement is subject to final consideration and affirmation by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). A copy of this board's findings and your file records will be forwarded to DRS. You will be notified by that office of its final action.
DRS will review the materials sent by the board and will take one of three actions: your retirement award will be approved, your claim will be returned to the board for further proceedings, or the board's decision may be denied.
In any case, DRS will notify you within 10 days to two weeks of the next action and will request additional information from you.
Questions about the disability retirement process should be addressed to DRS in Olympia at 800-547-6657.
When the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) has finished its review of the board's decision and approved your retirement, it will send you notice of its approval in an "Order of Affirmation." That notice will also give you a date on which you can expect to receive your first pension check. The pension check will be retroactive to the first day of retirement.
In some cases, the six months of disability leave may expire before the board can make its determination. If your time is up, there could be a waiting period between the effective date of your retirement and the date your pension check is first issued.
If this happens, you may be in the position to use accrued vacation time or compensatory time to ensure a regular paycheck is issued to you until the first pension check is cut.
When issued, the first pension check will be retroactive to the first day of retirement.
Continuation of coverage under your employer's medical, vision and or dental plans may be a benefit your LEOFF-1 employer provides. You will need to check with the personnel officer at your LEOFF-1 place of employment to confirm coverage options available to you upon retirement.
If you are eligible for Medicare, you are advised to seek coverage under both Parts A and B. Claims for medical expenses will first be reduced by the portion covered by Medicare or other health insurance available to you.
Note: If you are eligible for Medicare and fail to obtain coverage, neither the employer nor the board will be obligated to authorize payment.
Note: You my seek reimbursement of Medicare Part B premiums as well as premiums for medigap medical insurance by submitting a claim to the board. For more details, review the board's Rules, Policies and Procedures document and search for Rule 8.8A-B.
Private or supplemental insurance must be exhausted before LEOFF-1 benefits can be used regardless of who is paying the insurance premiums. If a LEOFF-1 service or procedure has a fixed benefit, such as dental, that amount will be offset by the insurance benefit only if the employer is paying the premiums on the additional coverage.
If your disability retirement is approved, you will be entitled to a basic monthly allowance of 50% of final average salary (FAS). The allowance will be increased by 5% of FAS for each eligible child to a maximum combined benefit of 60% of FAS.
An eligible child is one who is unmarried and under age 18, or up to and including age 20 years and 11 months while attending any approved education institution, or mentally or physically handicapped (as determined by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems) and not in full-time care of a state institution.
If you have questions about the amount of your pension, you may contact DRS at 800-547-6657. For an online estimate, check out the DRS Retirement Benefit Estimator.
Continued eligibility for disability leave and disability retirement benefits is contingent upon proof of continuous disability that keeps you from performing your LEOFF-1 duties with average proficiency. Throughout the six-month period of disability leave, the board will ask for a status report of your medical or psychological condition and require proof of ongoing disability from your provider to determine if you are still eligible for these benefits.
In the fifth or sixth month of your disability leave, a final report letter will be requested from your provider and an independent examination scheduled for you with a board specialist. This final report from your physician and the findings of the independent medical examiner, in addition to accumulated materials in your file, will provide the foundation on which the board will make its final decision to grant or deny you disability retirement.
The burden of proof lies upon you, the applicant. Therefore, it is important to the success of your claim to obtain the medical evidence from your provider when requested and submit it to the board in time for its next available meeting.