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About the Office of Economic and Financial Analysis


Who are we?
The Office of Economic and Financial Analysis (OEFA -- pronounced oh-ee-fuh) is an independent agency of King County. Our office is made up of two economists and one economic administrator.

What do we do?
We produce economic and revenue forecasts for King County budgeting purposes. In addition, we conduct economic studies at the pleasure of the Forecast Council (see below for a description of the Forecast Council).

When was our office created?
In November 2008, King County voters approved an amendment to the King County Charter creating our office.

Why do we do what we do?
The biennial budget of King County is around $20 billion. The responsibility to develop and adopt a balanced budget for each biennium lies with the executive and legislative branches. Our office has been established to provide independent economic and revenue forecasts, employing best practices to aid in the formulation of King County's budget.

What is the composition of the King County Forecast Council?
The King County Forecast Council (KCFC) consists of two members from the executive branch and two from the Metropolitan King County Council. The KCFC supervises the Office of Economic and Financial Analysis and the activities of the King County Chief Economist. The KCFC convenes multiple times annually to assess OEFA's work, review or approve forecasts, or to recommend special studies for OEFA. Councilmembers representing the legislative branch rotate annually. The KCFC is presided over by the executive during even-numbered years and by a legislative branch member during odd-numbered years.

Members of the 2025 KCFC:
· Dow Constantine, King County Executive, Vice Chair
· Rod Dembowski, King County Councilmember, Chair
· Teresa Mosqueda, King County Councilmember
· Dwight Dively, Director of the Office of Performance, Strategy and Budget (PSB)

