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Future of Paratransit

King County Metro is planning for the future of its paratransit rideshare service, Access Transportation. The project is called “Future of Paratransit” and will help shape the service for the next five to ten years.

Access Experience Survey

Are you an Access rider, caregiver or service provider? Take the Access Experience Survey

Rider survey/Caregiver survey | Service provider survey

What is Access Transportation?

Metro provides accessible service to riders with disabilities across our entire transit system. For those with a disability that prevents them from riding traditional, fixed-route buses and trains, Metro’s Access Paratransit Transportation Program (Access) operates a similar and accessible network of vehicles with drivers specifically trained to provide more rider assistance. In 2023, over 12,000 people were registered to use Access and approximately 8,900 persons with disabilities traveled throughout King County. Access Transportation traveled over 5.5 million miles, delivering nearly 750,000 boardings.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires access to public transportation for persons with disabilities. The qualifications to use Metro’s Access paratransit service are federally required.

Access Transportation page

Project overview

Metro is launching the Future of Paratransit project to review the Access Transportation program — how it operates and helps riders get to their destinations — with the goal of shaping the service for 2027 and beyond. Metro is expanding the amount and type of feedback received from riders. We will ask for feedback from the community, service providers and others to guide this process.

access bus


  • Provide comfortable and easy-to-use service for people with disabilities who cannot use fixed-route or other transportation services.
  • Align with King County and Metro goals for providing efficient, effective and sustainable transportation.
  • Engage with current and potential Access users, community groups, service providers, caregivers and other important groups throughout the process.


  • Identify a preferred service model that is efficient, effective, sustainable and benefits rider access and satisfaction.
  • Review user and partner needs to develop service improvements.
  • Develop a transition plan and make any identified changes.
access bus

Engagement audience

The Future of Paratransit is focused on people who use or engage with Metro Access Transportation service. This includes current and potential Access paratransit riders, caregivers to Access paratransit riders and representatives of organizations that provide services to/or support Access paratransit riders.

Important details


Service model review and selection

King County Metro is reviewing its current paratransit service model, researching best practices, establishing an evaluation process and determining if the current model — or a different one — is best for Metro and Metro Access riders.


Customer experience and service quality

King County Metro will review and update Access’s policies and procedures to improve the experience of riders, caregivers and service providers. The policies and procedures include things such as access to service information, technology used by customers, vehicle improvements, increased language access, trip reservations, boarding, rider trip experiences, and communication between drivers and customers.


Creating the Future of Paratransit plan

Depending on identified service improvements and service model selection, Metro will develop a transition plan and make any necessary changes. More information will be shared as the project progresses.

Project timeline

Certain work is completed at the same time throughout the following timeline.

  • Winter 2023 - Fall 2024

    Access service model review

  • Spring 2024 - Summer 2025

    Customer experience and service quality review

  • Fall 2025 - Winter 2029

    Transition to the Future of Paratransit plan

Community Engagement

Metro wants to work closely with Access riders, their families, community groups and others who help them in order to shape the Future of Paratransit. We use meaningful, inclusive and community-driven approaches to inform and involve community in deciding the best changes for Metro Access services.

Metro’s Future of Paratransit will be created by reviewing data and reports from recent community engagement, and gathering new feedback from riders, service providers and other related groups through surveys, interviews and focus groups.

Access surveys

access bus

Access Paratransit Advisory Committee

Established in 2018, the Access Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) was created to provide advice and counsel on Access paratransit service and to identify opportunities for continued improvement. The committee will advise the overall project and be represented on the Future of Paratransit Mobility Board. For more information or to join the committee, visit the APAC website.

Access Paratransit Advisory Committee page

Future of Paratransit Mobility Board

Metro is forming a Future of Paratransit Mobility Board that is representative of Access riders, caregivers, service providers and mobility supporters of Access riders. Metro also seeks to equitably represent people historically left out of decision-making conversations related to transit and who are most commonly affected by these decisions. The Future of Paratransit mobility board will provide direct feedback on policy, procedure and service updates as well as impacts on possible service model changes.

Future of Paratransit Mobility Board page

Access Experience Survey

To create the Future of Paratransit plan, Metro needs a variety of community feedback. Are you an Access rider, caregiver or service provider? Take the Access Experience Survey.*

Access Rider/Caregiver of Access rider(s) survey

Access service provider survey

*Please note, the Access Experience Survey is separate from the annual Access Customer Survey.

Access Customer Survey

The Access Customer Survey is one way Metro checks in yearly with our active Access Transportation customers. We use this customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. Rider responses to this year’s Access Customer Survey will also help shape the Future of Paratransit plan.

Sometime during the year — from March 2024 to March 2025 — Access riders might receive a postcard, inviting them to complete the survey over the phone. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Amharic and Tagalog. Need help in another language? Phone interpreters are available.

access bus logo

Equity matters

Metro aims to gather feedback and comments that equitably represents groups of people who have historically been left out of decision-making conversations related to paratransit and who are disproportionately affected by these decisions. This includes Black, Indigenous, and people of color; people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities; people with low to no income; immigrants and refugees; and linguistically diverse communities. We are also seeking feedback from older adults, students and youth and people who identify as LGBTQIA+ within those groups.

Resource Library

Access RideGuide

Rider’s guide for using Access Transportation

Public Transit and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Information on the American’s with Disabilities Act and its requirements for public transit systems

Federal Transit Administration mandate regarding paratransit services

Federal Transit Administration regulations mandating paratransit and eligibility standards for paratransit users
