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SE May Valley Road truck traffic

Truck traffic and congestion on SE May Valley Road is a concern for residents living along this transportation corridor as well as the daily users. This webpage includes answers to frequently-asked questions about this issue. The webpage will be updated as needed.

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Answers to frequently asked questions about truck traffic on SE May Valley Road

  • Can the county ban trucks on SE May Valley Road?
    In short, no. SE May Valley Road is one of the key east - west arterials that provides critical access and connection between urban centers, as well as serving residents along the road. County arterial roads are intended to connect communities for all uses. Unlike cities, under state law, the county does not have the ability to ban or limit unwanted traffic on these community connectors with few exceptions. The county may impose limitations only where the infrastructure cannot accommodate a particular use, like load limiting a bridge. There are not any infrastructure limitations that would affect trucks at this time.
  • What is the county and the city of Issaquah doing to address congestion on this roadway and in the region?
    Population growth in the Puget Sound area, particularly in King County, is resulting in congestion across the region. Many of the county’s major arterials are close to or exceeding their traffic carrying capacity, yet more than 230 people are moving to this region every day. SE May Valley Road is a prime example of the change and challenges the region is experiencing as a result.

    King County and the city of Issaquah are partnering on a study of congestion on Issaquah Hobart Road SE and the major roads that intersect with it including SE May Valley Road. More information is available from the city. Learn more

    In addition, on November 22, 2016, the city of Issaquah hosted a regional transportation summit to focus on regional transportation issues. State, county, city and agency leaders, and members of the public were in attendance.
  • Can the speed limit be reduced?
    The county has been monitoring traffic on SE May Valley Road and surrounding corridors and has performed a speed study along SE May Valley Road to better understand the current conditions and potential problems. The data obtained from the study, including traffic volumes, traffic speeds and collision history, has been reviewed by the County Traffic Engineer who is recommending a reduction in the speed limit between SE 128th Way and Issaquah Hobart Rd SE. Comments on the proposed speed limit revision are being solicited from area residents and commuters. Get more information.
  • Can SE May Valley Road be expanded?
    Along this corridor, there are several geographical, environmental and right-of-way constraints that make capacity and/or mobility improvements very challenging and that may be cost prohibitive. Nearly three decades of annexations, declines in gas tax revenues, and the effects of voter initiatives have led to the chronic underfunding of the bridge and road system, particularly county roads outside of cities. Current funding levels for county roads and bridges are sufficient only to address critical life safety issues and a minor amount of work to preserve some of the existing infrastructure. Improvements necessary to address capacity and mobility issues are currently unfunded.

    The county has been working for a number of years to try to address the shortfall of funding. Most recently, the county convened a Bridges and Roads Task Force to consider these challenges, and they have issued a final report with their findings. The next steps include working with elected officials, cities and other regional stakeholders to develop detailed solution proposals.
  • How can I be notified when road work takes place on SE May Valley Road?
    King County Road Alert is an email and text alert service for travelers on roads in unincorporated King County. Subscribers can get emails and text messages about unincorporated King County road construction projects and significant road closures. If you would like to sign up for Road Alerts, you can do so HERE.