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NE Stillwater Hill Road/Kelly Road NE Roadway Preservation Project

Project completed in Fall 2021

October 19, 2021 – Final centerline and fog line (white lines at edge of road) striping is complete. 


This project removed and replaced 1.59 miles of NE Stillwater Hill Road/Kelly Road NE, from State Route 203 to NE Big Rock Road located between Carnation, WA and Duvall, WA. Many travelers use this section of road as an alternate access route to SR 203 and to reach points east of NE Big Rock Road. The pavement and the support system under the pavement were in poor condition. Restoration of this well-traveled thoroughfare ensures its usefulness for years to come.

The work on this project included excavating, restoring, and repaving the roadway and shoulders from the ground up.

24/7 Road Helpline contact information

24/7 Road Helpline

Report road maintenance and safety issues in unincorporated King County 24 hours a day at 206-477-8100 or 1-800-527-6237.

Map of the project area.

Larger view (541KB)


How we maintained access to residents during construction

Local access to residences, businesses, deliveries, and emergency services were maintained during the entire project. Road Services created a strategy to ensure access to residents, as this was a major pass-through route. To execute this strategy, we provided access points at the intersection of NE Big Rock Rd/Kelly Rd NE and SR 203/NE Stillwater Hill Rd.

The project was divided into four separate work zones: A, B, C, and D. Because work occurred in two adjacent work zones at a time, those with local access were directed to utilize one of the two access points. Flaggers remained on-site to direct traffic and assist drivers with access to their driveways.

Project timeline

July 15, 2021: Construction begins.

October, 2021: Major construction work complete


October 2021 – Crews returned to add yellow and white striping to the road to complete the project. 


Work to install final top layer of pavement.
October 6, 2021 – Kelly Road NE, just north of NE 94th Street, looking north.

Work to install final top layer of pavement.
October 6, 2021 – Kelly Road NE, just south of NE 108th Street, looking south.

Before and after paving.
April 19 and September 24, 2021 – Stillwater Hill before and after: Here is a photo of NE Stillwater Hill Road at SR 203 before and after paving work.

Section of asphalt removed.
August 2, 2021: A section of old asphalt pavement on Kelly Road NE near 32th Way NE is removed.

Asphalt crushing.
August 2, 2021: The old asphalt pavement is crushed up and deposited into a dump truck for proper disposal.

Mowing equipment.
July 21, 2021: A bulldozer is used to clear away weeds and vegetation from the side of the road to prepare the road for construction.

Damage on NE Stillwater Hill Road.
Looking northbound on Kelly Road NE near 325th Avenue NE.

Damage on NE Stillwater Hill Road.
Looking southbound on Kelly Road NE near NE 100th Place.

Damage on NE Stillwater Hill Road.
Looking northbound on Kelly Road NE near NE 100th Place.