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16th Avenue SW: SW 100th Street to SW 107th Street Pedestrian Safety Improvements & Traffic Calming Project

Construction in summer 2025 


Crews use heavy machinery to replace the old pipe under SW 104th Street and 16th Avenue SW. The blue box shown in the middle of the photo stabilizes the work site, preventing the ground from collapsing during the process. 

Status update

March 2025

Sign up for Road Alerts to get emails or text messages about this project and others in White Center. 

Roadwork on SW 104th Street at 16th Avenue SW. We are replacing a worn-out drainage pipe beneath the road.  View the project flyer (1MB), and read the blog. The following road construction dates are subject to change. Check for latest information. 

  • March 3 – April 18: Expect lane restrictions and limited parking on SW 104th Street between 15th Avenue SW and 17th Avenue SW. View status on MyCommute. Learn more about travel impacts.
  • March 11 – April 1: The north side of 16th Avenue SW at SW 104th Street will be closed to through traffic to replace an underground pipe under the road. View closure status on MyCommute. View the detour map (phase 2).

Next steps:

The pipe replacement must be finished before crews can start the Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming Project this summer. Businesses in the area will remain open throughout construction. 

Why we are doing this work:

We’re preparing the intersection for the Pedestrian Safety Improvements & Traffic Calming Project this summer. Part of this summer’s work includes adding sidewalk curb extensions at this intersection. The pipe is located under the place where the curb extensions will be. By replacing the aging underground pipe now, we avoid tearing up the road twice. 

What to expect 

The county will replace a worn-out drainage pipe located under the north side of SW 104th St (between 15th Ave SW and 17th Ave SW). The work is expected to last up to six (6) weeks, including a two-week-long road closure across 16th Ave SW

  • Work hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (M-F). Weekend work is possible. 
  • Temporary lane shifts, parking restrictions and a signed detour when the intersection is closed.
  • Access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout construction.   
Project Map

Traffic impacts by phase

Phase 1: No Parking on SW 104th St between 15th Ave SW and 16th Ave SW

Dates: March 3 through April 18

  • Work activity: Replace pipe under the north side of SW 104th Street between 15th and 16th avenues SW.
  • Lane restrictions:  March 3 – April 18
  • Local access maintained. Businesses remain open.
  • No Parking on north side of road: Construction equipment parked in the parking lane for up to 6 weeks. 

Phase 2: Intersection closed on 16th Ave SW at SW 104th

Dates: March 11-April 1, weather permitting

The north side of 16th Ave SW at SW 104th St, between the green building and Chop Shop commissary, is closed in both directions. Through traffic will detour onto 15th Ave SW. businesses remain open.

  • When: March 11 – April 1
  • Work activity: Replace pipe under north half of 16th Ave SW/SW 104th Street intersection.
  • Detour:
    • Northbound: SW 102nd St. to 15th Ave SW to 16th Ave SW.
    • Southbound: SW 106th St. to 15th Ave SW to 16th Ave SW. 
  • Local access OK on SW 104th Street between 17th Ave SW and 15th Ave SW. 
  • No Parking: No vehicles can park on the north side of SW 104th St between 16th Ave SW and 15th Ave SW. This area is reserved for construction equipment parking only. 

Phase 3: Limited Parking on SW 104th St (between 16th Ave SW and 17th Ave SW) for 1-2 weeks

Dates: March 26 – April 18

Phase three is the final part of the project. 

  • Work activity: Replace pipe under the north side of SW 104th Street between 17th and 16th avenues SW. 
  • Lane restrictions:  March 26 – April 18
    Local access maintained. All businesses remain open. 
  • Limited Parking:  Nearby residents will have access to some street parking on the north side of the road, near the apartment building. No parking allowed on south side of the road.  
  • No vehicles can park on the north side of SW 104th St between 16th Ave SW and 15th Ave SW. This area is reserved for construction equipment parking only.

24/7 Road Helpline contact information

24/7 Road Helpline

Report road maintenance and safety issues in unincorporated King County 24 hours a day at 206-477-8100 or 1-800-527-6237.

Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming Improvements Project overview


This project will make it safer to travel along 16th Avenue SW between SW 100th Street and SW 107th Street in White Center. King County will add safer street crossings, clearer signs and other improvements to help reduce speeding. The road will be re-striped to have one lane for vehicles in each direction, a center turn lane, and bike lanes on both sides. 

Paving and new lane markings – Coming in June/July 2025

The County will repave 16th Ave SW between the White Center Cutoff (north of SW 100th St.) and SW 107th St. We also will pave a section of SW 100th Street between 14th Ave SW to just west of 11th Ave SW (new paving ends mid-block). 

All the paving work will happen at night. New, temporary lane markings, including bike lanes will be added after the paving work. 

Curb extensions, pedestrian improvements, permanent lane markings

Later this summer, we will put in curb extensions at 16th Ave SW and SW 104th St., and at 16th Ave SW and SW 106th St.  Crews also will install high visibility signs and several pedestrian safety improvements between SW 100th and SW 107th streets. 

Project map

The yellow section on the map (16th Ave SW between SW 100th St and SW 107th St) will be repaved and will get a "road diet" to calm traffic and help make the street safer for pedestrians. The areas marked with orange dotted lines (SW 100th St and White Center Cutoff) will also be repaved, but no other changes will be made there.

16th Avenue SW Project Map.

View larger image of the map (157 KB)

Get involved!

Community feedback is important for improving our collaboration on this road safety project and other King County projects. Below are ways you can get involved.

  • Sign up for Road Alerts to get emails or text messages about this project and others in White Center. 
  • Meet with the team. Contact us to schedule a phone call, Zoom meeting or in-person meeting with our project staff. Email: or call 206-477-3800.
  • The Department of Local Services occasionally hosts community meetings to discuss projects and programs that are important to the White Center community. If you or someone you know would like more information, contact us at or call 206-477-3800.

Project timeline

  • Fall 2021: Preliminary design complete
  • Spring 2022: Initial public outreach and comment period complete 
  • Winter 2024: Final design complete 
  • 2022 through 2025: Ongoing public outreach
  • March/April 2025: Drainage pipe replacement on SW 104th St (between 15th Ave SW and 17th Ave SW)
  • June/July 2025: Road paving and temporary lane striping, including bike lanes
  • July through September 2025: Curb extensions, permanent lane striping and additional pedestrian safety improvements. Work could start in late July and will last approximately six weeks. 

What to expect during construction - Summer and fall 2025

We understand that road work can be inconvenient, so we want to make sure you know what to expect. Here’s an overview of what you might notice while crews are working in the area. 

June/July 2025 

At Night: Road paving work, overnights Monday through Friday, weekend night work if necessary

Work activities: Road paving  

  • Work dates: We expect to start paving work in early June and end by mid-July. The work could take three to four weeks or longer depending on weather and equipment availability. 
  • Work hours: We will know what the work hours are as we get closer to the start of construction. We anticipate overnight crews to start work around 6 p.m. and end close to 4 a.m. the following morning. The night work will last for approximately 20 days.   
  • Work Lights: At times we will need to use bright lights to keep the area safe for the crew. 
  • Less Traffic Impact: Working at night helps reduce traffic disruptions, so most vehicles can travel more easily during the day.
  • Noise: Nighttime work may be noisy, but we’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum. Paving is a moving operation, so the noise will decrease as crews progress down the road. Earplugs will be made available for residents who need them. 

Summer 2025  

During the day: Monday through Friday

Work activities: Curb extensions, install pedestrian crossing improvements, permanent striping, and new signs.

  • Work dates: Work will begin after 16th Ave SW is repaved, it could take up to six weeks in total to complete, depending on weather and equipment availability. We expect to start work in July or August. 
  • Work hours: We will know what the work hours are as we get closer to the start of construction. We anticipate crews to start work around 7 a.m. and end by 3 p.m. each day with the exception of permanent striping which will last for two nights between the hours of approximately 8pm and 6am.
  • Noise: You may hear the sounds of construction equipment like trucks, grinders, and rollers.
  • Traffic delays: There may be temporary lane closures, and flaggers will be on-site to help guide traffic safely. Please plan for a little extra travel time.
  • Parking: There will be no on-street parking allowed in areas where crews are working. Parking spaces will reopen once the crews leave the area. 
  • Sidewalks: Most of the work will happen in the road. There might be times when the sidewalk is closed temporarily. Signs will direct pedestrians to a detour when the sidewalk is closed.  
  • Access to businesses and homes: If you live or work nearby, access to driveways may be limited for very short periods. Crews will do their best to keep this time as brief as possible.
  • Dust: Some dust from the roadwork is normal, but crews will work to minimize it.
  • Garbage collection and mail delivery: We do not anticipate changes to residential and business services such as garbage collection and deliveries. We will notify these services of our road construction activities. 
What We’re Doing to Help:
  • Crews will work efficiently to finish the project as quickly as possible. 
  • We’ll provide regular updates on this website, so you know what’s happening and when.
  • If you have specific concerns or questions, you can contact us anytime at or 206-477-3800.

We appreciate your patience while we improve the road and make it safer for pedestrians.


This project improves safety for pedestrians and calms traffic

Graphic showing improvements to 16th Avenue SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets when the project is completed. 

The image above shows what 16th Avenue SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets will look like once the project is complete. The road will be restriped to have one 11-foot-wide travel lane and one bike lane in each direction. There will be a center turn lane down the middle of the road, and an eight-foot (8-foot) wide parking lane on the east side of the road. View larger image (49KB)

Safety improvements coming to 16th Avenue SW

This project will calm traffic and improve pedestrian safety by providing the following:

  • One lane in each direction
    This will help prevent speeding by slowing down traffic and makes crossings safer for people walking.
  • Center turn lane
    Provides a safer place for drivers to make left turns. This will allow traffic to move freely in the main travel lane.
  • Sidewalk curb extensions at SW 104th Street and SW 106th Street intersections
    There are no traffic signals at these two intersections to stop traffic. Sidewalk curb extensions will help drivers see people walking in the crosswalk. The extensions also will shorten the distance people need to cross.
  • Rapid flashing lights and new pedestrian crossing signs at intersections that do not have a traffic signal
    Flashing lights and high-visibility signs will alert drivers when pedestrians are crossing 16th Avenue SW at SW 104th and SW 106th Street.
  • Bicycle lanes in both directions
    New, five-foot (5-foot) wide bicycle lanes will separate bike riders from motor vehicle traffic. This will give people on bikes or other active transportation more room so that they don’t have to share the road with cars. 
  • Two feet of extra space (buffer zone) on both sides of bike lane 
    Cyclists feel more comfortable and secure when they are not too close to moving traffic or parked cars. A two-foot (2-foot) wide buffer zone on both sides of the bike lane could help encourage more people to choose biking or other types of active transportation to get to where they want to go.

Graphic showing crosswalk pedestrian improvements.

On-street parking changes

Currently, there are 43 parking spaces on 16th Avenue SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets. The total number of parking spaces in the project area will increase to 46, but some will be in different places than before. For instance, some parking spaces that are currently located on the west side of the road will be moved to the east side. This shift is necessary to accommodate new bike lanes, sidewalk curb extensions, and safety improvements.

View a bird’s-eye image of the new road layout and where you can park on the street (large file: 470KB). 

Why is this project needed?

16th Avenue SW, is important for people walking, biking, and driving. However, it is currently more focused on cars and trucks than pedestrians or cyclists. We want to make this part of 16th Avenue SW safer for everyone. There have been 26 collisions with pedestrians reported in this busy area between 2011-2023. Studies show that the safety improvements like the ones included in this project can reduce the number of collisions up to one-third.

Existing roadway layout 

Graphic showing at 16th Ave SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets looks like today.

The image above shows what 16th Avenue SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets look like today. The road currently has two travel lanes in each direction and a center turn lane. There are no bicycle lanes on this road. View larger image (55KB)

Google Earth photo showing the existing road layout.

Google Earth photo of 16th Ave. SW between SW 107th and SW 102nd streets looking north (photo taken in 2022). The existing road layout is built more for car traffic than people walking or biking. 


Higher speeds can result in more collisions with pedestrians.

Roads with a single travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane have slower, calmer traffic. This is important for pedestrians and cyclists because slower vehicle speeds make it safer, reducing the risk of injury and death.

  • Fewer travel lanes make it safer to cross the street and allow room for sidewalk curb extensions and buffered bicycle lanes.
  • Sidewalk curb extensions reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  • Extra space, or buffer zone, on both sides of the bicycle lane provides a dedicated place for non-motorized traffic.

Project budget and funding

The total estimated project cost is $1.9 million. The project is funded by COVID Relief grant money, a grant from the national Highway Safety Improvement Program, and local funds.

Community involvement 

Early project design - Winter and spring 2022  

The county worked with community members, businesses, and residents throughout the project. We joined community meetings and White Center events and also ran two major outreach campaigns. We conducted two online surveys—one early in the design process and another at the final stage.
King County conducted an outreach campaign and survey to collect input from over 800 community members. Two potential project design options were presented to the community for their consideration. 

  1. Design option 1:
    • One travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane
    • Dedicated lanes for bicycles in both directions.
    • No change to on-street parking. Same number of existing parking spaces (46 spaces).
  2. Design option 2:
    • One travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane
    • No dedicated lanes for bicycles.
    • Adds more street parking on both sides of the road.

Over half of the survey participants chose Design option 1 the best fit for the community’s needs. As a result, the County proceeded with this chosen design.

Late project design – Summer 2024

We held a community outreach meeting on July 24, 2024, and conducted a survey in July and August 2024. Slightly more than half of the 806 responses we got supported including bike lanes in both directions, along with other pedestrian safety and traffic calming measures included in the final design. 

  • Contact us for survey results, or if you would like a copy of the 2024 community meeting presentation. 

Why the county decided to include bike lanes

Our goal is to help everyone, including people who need extra time in the crosswalk, to get across the road safely. We added bike lanes along with curb extensions and bright yellow flashing signs to help slow down traffic and protect people from the danger of getting hit by a moving vehicle.

Our decision-making process focused on saving lives and listening to what the community had to say. We also paid attention to concerns about parking, especially from businesses in downtown White Center.

During the early design phase in winter and spring 2022, we gave the community two options. One included bike lanes and about the same amount of parking as now. The other option had more parking but no bike lanes. Both options got almost the same level of support, but more people said they wanted bike lanes. Because of this, and advice from traffic safety experts, we decided to add bike lanes to the project.

In July and August 2024, the project design was nearly finished. We held another project survey to make sure residents, workers, and business owners were aware of the project, and to see if our decision to include bike lanes still met the needs of the community. The feedback showed that just over half supported bike lanes in both directions. This matched what we heard in 2022.

While surveys give us helpful information, they aren't always perfect. Since our main goal is to keep everyone safe, and bike lanes have been shown to reduce accidents and make traffic flow better, we decided to move forward with the current design that includes bike lanes.

What we heard

There is strong support for slowing traffic and making this busy road safer for everyone—drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders. Additionally, residents expressed the need for more on-street parking, especially in front of businesses without parking lots.  

Concerns were also raised about ensuring long-standing residents and businesses maintain a strong sense of belonging in the area.  

What we are doing

This project gives us an opportunity to make 16th Avenue SW safer for everyone. The county has decided to proceed with the current design, which includes bike lanes.  

Bike lanes, along with the other pedestrian safety improvements, help reduce the chances of accidents between vehicles and people on foot, bicycle or scooter.  Bike lanes also keep bicycles off the main road, which helps traffic flow more smoothly and safely.

Frequently asked questions

We are focusing on this section of 16th Avenue SW to calm traffic and make it safer for everyone. This busy section of 16th Avenue SW has the highest number of collisions involving pedestrians. More than 22 accidents have been reported between 2011 and 2020. Traffic studies have shown that the types of safety improvements included in this project can reduce the number of crashes by 33 percent.

You can view King County’s Transportation Needs Report (TNR) for more information on transportation improvement needs in unincorporated King County. It is a component of the King County Comprehensive Plan and fulfills state requirements as specified in the Washington State Growth Management Act. The latest version of the TNR was adopted by the King County Council on July 24, 2020 as part of the 2020 King County Comprehensive Plan update.
On a four-lane road, drivers stop in the left-hand lane to make left turns, increasing the risk of being struck by a driver using the left lane to go straight. When the road is changed to have two travel lanes and one center turn lane, the center lane provides a dedicated place for left-turning vehicles to wait. This allows traffic to move freely in the main travel lanes. In addition, one main travel lane in each direction helps to slow traffic. Fewer crashes happen when traffic is calmer.
Roads with three lanes have slower, calmer traffic, which is especially important for vulnerable users like pedestrians and people biking. The risk of injury and death to these users decreases as vehicle speeds decrease. Fewer travel lanes allow room for sidewalk curb extensions and buffered bicycle lanes. Sidewalk curb extensions reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Buffered bicycle lanes provide a dedicated place for non-motorized traffic.
No, the new lanes will be able to carry the traffic volumes that are existing on 16th Avenue SW. This means traffic will flow freely, but the overall speed of traffic will be slower.
The project includes a dedicated center turn lane at intersections that have a traffic light. Left turn signals and a dedicated center turn lane help reduce collisions at intersections. Trucks longer than 40-feet in length will use the signalized intersections at SW 100th, SW 102nd and SW 107th streets to turn since there will be no curb extensions (bulb-outs) added at these locations.
The project includes the following American with Disabilities Act safety features:
  • Countdown pedestrian signal heads will let pedestrians know how much time remains to cross the intersection
  • Audible messaging will inform pedestrians which crossing has a “walk”
  • Vibration and tactile surfaces at crosswalks and intersections will also inform pedestrians which crossing has a “walk”
  • High visibility pedestrian safety signs make it easier for drivers to know when to expect pedestrians
  • Accessible ramps help people with disabilities, people pushing strollers, and others, access the crosswalk
This project adds a five-foot (5-foot)-wide bike lane and a minimum two-foot (2-foot) striped buffer space between the bike lane and the vehicle lane or parking spaces. Buffered bike lanes provide more space for people using bikes or other forms of non-motorized transportation, so they aren't sharing space with moving motor vehicles. The bike lanes and striped buffer areas also will help riders avoid opening car doors.
The existing 25 MPH speed limit increases to 30 MPH at SW 100th Street. This project may extend the 25 MPH speed limit on 16th Ave SW between SW 100th and SW 107th streets, pending additional study of how traffic moves through the area. We are considering a speed limit reduction between SW 100th and SW 107th streets.