Family Planning Only — Birth Control Plan
Family Planning Only is a program that provides uninsured women and men coverage for family planning services to help them prevent unintended pregnancies and provides confidential family planning for teens and domestic violence victims. These services are free if you qualify.
Family Planning Only covers:
- Family planning education and risk reduction counseling.
- All FDA approved birth control methods including: pills, patches, rings, shots, IUDs, implants, diaphragms, cervical caps, condoms, and spermicides (foam, cream, and gels), and emergency contraception.
- Education and supplies for natural family planning and abstinence.
- Permanent methods: tubal ligations ("tubes tied"), hysteroscopic sterilization, and vasectomy.
- Limited screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs, STDs).
- Screening for cervical cancer and a well woman physical exam.
- Office visits directly related to a family planning problem when medically necessary.
Find your income and family size on the following chart. If your monthly income is below or near the amount on the following chart, you may be able to get Family Planning Only services.
Number of people in family | Family Planning Only income per month |
1 | $3,456 |
2 | $4,672 |
3 | $5,552 |
4 | $6,698 |
5 | $7,843 |
6 | $8,990 |
How to apply and get help
- Application for Family Planning Only Services
- Email completed application to
- Contact any Public Health Center
- Community Health Access Program (CHAP): 1-800-756-5437