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Consumer involvement

Consumers get involved in many ways. Some fill out surveys and comment cards so they can stay anonymous. Others join agency advisory boards or the HIV/AIDS Planning Council where they attend regular meetings and make decisions about what types of services available in the community.

Quality management groups

Quality Management groups meet to discuss and improve the quality of care provided in a clinic, program, or system.

  • Seattle Ryan White Part A TGA Quality Management Advisory Committee (QMAC)
  • Washington State Quality Management Planning and Evaluation Group (QMPEG)

Planning groups

Planning groups meet to develop a plan for achieving a particular goal. Some examples include planning to start up a new program for people with alcohol problems, or planning for how to spend grant money to best meet the needs of people in the community.


Volunteers donate their time and/or services to a program or organization to help them achieve their goals.

Client satisfaction surveys

Client satisfaction surveys give clients the chance to tell a program or organization about how they feel or what they think about the services they've received. All Ryan White programs are required to distribute client satisfaction surveys each year and use that feedback to improve their programs.

The following organizations have hosted surveys in the past:

  • Bailey Boushay House
  • Consejo Counseling and Referral Services
  • Country Doctor Community Health Centers
  • Lifelong AIDS Alliance
  • Neighborcare Health
  • Public Health - Seattle & King County Jail Health Services
  • WA State Department of Health HIV Client Services

Advocacy groups

Advocacy groups work on making changes to policies and systems to meet the needs of the people those policies and services affect.

Consumer Advisory Board

Consumer Advisory Boards are consumers of the services provided at an organization who meet on a regular basis to give feedback to the organization.
