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Keep Water Clean

The water we use inside homes and buildings and the rainwater that runs off the land all leads to the Puget Sound. 

Reduce fertilizers and pesticides: practice natural yard care.

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be easily washed off lawns and gardens into storm drains. The organic, living material in composts or natural yard care products can help the soil hold more water and nutrients for the plants, reducing the need for chemical products.

Helpful hint:
Think twice before using pesticides. Identify the problem before you spray, and seek out alternatives.

Did you know?
Only about 5% of the bugs in your yard are actually pests. Good bugs will help control pests naturally.


Jumpstart Your Yard: Learn how to design a sustainable landscape and build healthy soil

Landscaping with Native Plants: Use plants that benefit the environment 

Don't Be Such a Pest: Find out about sustainable approaches to yard and garden pests

Raingarden opportunities: Learn how to create a home raingarden or add a cistern 


Choose natural, simple products and avoid harsh chemicals.

Wastewater treatment plants use natural processes to clean water - these processes cannot break down all chemicals.

Helpful hint:
Take unused chemicals to your nearest hazardous waste facility to properly dispose of them.

Did you know? You can use vinegar, baking soda, olive oil, borax, and liquid castile soap to make your own cleaning supplies.


Hazardous Waste at Home: Learn how to read labels and use safer products at home. 

Hazardous waste disposal sites: Find out where to take hazardous materials. 


Keep cars maintained; fix leaks and use commercial car washes.

Car parts, oils, and fluids deposit metals, chemicals and toxic particles on streets that run off into water bodies and contaminate Puget Sound. Commercial car washes clean and recycle the water they use.

Helpful hint:
Never dump anything down a storm drain. Always recycle used oil, antifreeze and other fluids.

Did you know? Approximately 75% of all pollution in Puget Sound comes from stormwater runoff that starts in our neighborhoods, much of this comes from cars.


Pick up pet waste and throw it in the trash.

When it rains pet waste that is left on the ground will wash into storm drains carrying bacteria and nutrients to creeks, lakes, and the Puget Sound.

Did you know?
There are 200 tons of pet waste deposited in the Puget Sound region every day, and water runoff flushes it into streams, rivers and eventually the Puget Sound.

Helpful hint: Grocery bags, produce bags, or newspapers bags can all be reused to pick up your pets waste

