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Upcoming contract opportunities

This page hosts information for consultants and contractors interested in doing business with King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD).

King County WTD regional contractors and consultant opportunities

Updated quarterly

See also: Upcoming capital projects, Finance and Business Operations, Dept. of Executive Services

Invitation to bid

No invitations to bid at this time.

Request for proposal

Heavy Civil General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Services for South Plant Influent Pump Station Upgrade (KC001387)


The official advertisement (RFP KC001387) for this project will be published through King County’s E-Procurement system. To receive future notifications, please be sure your firm is registered in King County’s E-Procurement Supplier Portal. For registration information, please visit:

Questions about the RFP? Contact Melissa Jordan, Contract Specialist (

The GC/CM project includes preconstruction and construction for the South Treatment Plant (STP) Influent Pump Station Upgrade. The facility was originally built in 1965 and treats an average of 70 million gallons per day of used water from communities in Auburn, Bellevue, Issaquah, Kent, Renton, and Sammamish. This project’s primary objective is to repair and replace infrastructure that has reached the end of its useful life and improve seismic resiliency. The scope of this project focuses on the following work packages: STP division channel recoating, raw sewage pump #3 (RSP3) replacement, and seismic upgrades to the Influent Pump Station.

Reference Material Files: 

Prospective proposers can view more details at:

Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:

Program Engineering Services for West Point Treatment Plant (KC001233)

Project Reference Documents (3. “Planning Analysis for West Point Digestion Capacity, Recommended Option for Project Delivery, December 2023” Reference File Only)

The purpose of this contract is to provide multidisciplinary engineering and related services to King County Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division (“County”) for the West Point Facility Program (“Program”). Below are the reference documents as noted in Attachment 1 - Scope of Work, “Reference Documents Available to Proposers” Section, Item No. 3, Planning Analysis for West Point Digestion Capacity, Recommended Option for Project Delivery, December 2023:

Prospective proposers can view more details at:

Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:

Request for information

Mouth of Duwamish Combined Sewer Overflow (MDCSO)

Request for Information


The official advertisement (RFI KC001299) for this project will be published through King County’s E-Procurement system. To receive future notifications, please be sure your firm is registered in King County’s E-Procurement Supplier Portal. For registration information, please visit:

Questions about the RFI? Contact Melissa Jordan, Contract Specialist (

PURPOSE: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) held an Open House on 9/4/2024 to provide initial project information for Mouth of Duwamish Combined Sewer Overflow (MDCSO) Wet Weather Facilities, located in Seattle, WA. King County anticipates utilizing multiple contracting methods, including Alternative Public Works, pending CPARB Project Review Committee approval.

King County is providing prospective Proposers an opportunity to provide feedback, particularly on the items within the formal Request for Information (RFI) questionnaire. Responses to the RFI will assist in formulation of packaging for the project, and the PRC application(s).

Questions about the Project details? Contact Steve Tolzman, WW Capital Project Manager (, 206-477-5851), OR Trisha Roth (, 206-263-1964)

PROJECT LOCATION: Mouth of Duwamish River, generally the area south of downtown Seattle, WA

PROJECT BACKGROUND: King County WTD will delivery essential infrastructure to control wet weather sewer overflows in the Duwamish River.

CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE: Expect multiple contracts totaling greater than $1 Billion.

EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE GOALS: KC will establish a minimum required level for the participation of small and diverse businesses for these contracts. The goals will be expressed as a percentage of the total contract value to be performed by OMWBE certified firms. To ensure success at meeting the diverse small business goals and to promote support and mentoring of small businesses, KC will also require the submission of an Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) Innovation Plan.

POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES: Washington State Revolving Fund, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). Specific funding sources will be determined as the projects evolve.


King County Contractor Outreach and Networking Event

When: April 21, 2025
Time: 9:00am – 2:00pm
Location: Muckleshoot Events Center, 2402 Auburn Way S, Auburn, WA 98002
Event Registration Link:

View event flier.

Join us at the event to:

  • Network with prime contractors and consultants and small, M/WBE firms
  • Participate 1:1 Contractor-Subcontractor meetings
  • Learn about upcoming projects from multiple King County agencies such as WTD, Parks, Metro, Roads, and FMD to name a few

If you are a Prime firm and are interested in hosting an Exhibitor table and participating in 1:1 meetings with Sub firms, let us know: SIGN UP HERE.
(Don’t wait - space is limited!)

Informational Open House: Upcoming Contracting Opportunities - King County Wastewater Treatment Division

Event Date/Time

March 4, 2025, at 1:00 PM (PST) 


Open house materials

About the event

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming projects and events. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend. 

A brief description of events at this Open House are:

In-Person Networking Event: You won’t want to miss this in-person event! King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting a networking opportunity for prime contractors and consultants and small, women and/or minority owned firms to connect on upcoming projects. Additionally, WTD along with other King County agencies such as Solid Waste, Metro, Parks and others will be there to discuss upcoming projects. Networking Event will be held on April 21. 

Project Updates: We will be providing schedule updates on some of our collaborative delivery projects as well as a number of upcoming construction, consulting and work order contracts.

Contractor 1:1 Meetings

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!

When: January 21, 2025 – January 29, 2025

Where: Virtual meetings

Please register HERE.

Informational Open House: Upcoming Contracting Opportunities - King County Wastewater Treatment Division

Event Date/Time

December 12, 2024, at 1:00 PM (PDT)
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes


Open house materials

About the event

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming projects and events. Projects highlighted will be those using the Alternative Public Works (GC/CM and PDB) method, as well as share opportunities on traditional DBB projects, Work Order contracts, and upcoming consulting contracts. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.

A brief description of the projects WTD will be discussing at this Open House are:

Upcoming Work Order Contracts: WTD has multiple Work Order contracts that will be advertised in the near term, with a couple larger contracts to highlight: a Multidisciplinary Construction WO contract with an estimated contract amount of $8M, as well as an On-Call Construction Management Services contract with an estimated contract amount of $25M.

Programmatic Services for Facility Programs: WTD is in the process of establishing capital delivery programs at several of our facilities. In continuing this effort, WTD has three (3) upcoming programmatic contracts to be procured to provide a wide variety of services to support the delivery of projects planned at these facilities: 

  • Program Engineering services for the Brightwater Facility Program;
  • Program Manager/Owner Advisor services for the West Point Treatment Plant Facility Program; and
  • Program Engineering services for the Supplemental Compliance and Corrective Action CSO Program

Division Wide Offsite Level Controls & Communication Upgrade (Potential for GC/CM requires Alternative Delivery Committee (ADC) Review and Approval): The scope of this project is to bring all offsite facility wet well level controls and communications equipment into conformance with WTD Design Standards to improve safety, reliability, and operability. This program will replace obsolete level controls and communications equipment at Pump Stations (PS,) Regulator Stations (RS,) and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) facilities located throughout the service area. This project is anticipated to be implemented using the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) collaborative delivery approach, pending CPARB-PRC approval. Total project construction budget is approximately $175.5M. 

South Plant RSP #3, Seismic Upgrades, and Division Channel Recoating (GC/CM): The scope of this project includes: STP Division Channel Recoating to recoat entire division channel just east of South Plant Influent Pump Station (IPS); Raw Sewage Pump #3 Replacement to replace the existing pump, variable frequency drive, motor control center, and associated piping; and IPS Seismic Upgrades to improve the seismic resiliency of the IPS by replacing the high roof and north wall, applying fiber reinforced polymer on several columns and walls, and architectural upgrades. This project is anticipated to be implemented using the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) collaborative delivery approach, pending CPARB-PRC approval. Estimated cost is approximately $22.8M. 

West Duwamish Wet Weather Storage (ITB): The West Duwamish CSO Storage Tank is a 1.25 million gallon buried cast-in-place concrete combined sewage storage tank that includes drain pumps, tipping buckets, and associated mechanical piping. Deep soil mixing is located underneath the tank and adjacent conveyance structures. There is an aboveground facility building, including electrical and instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment, utility water system, standby generator, instrument air, restroom, and outdoor odor control area with carbon scrubber, odor control fans, and associated equipment, as well as conveyance piping and structures to route flows to and from the storage tank. Additionally, there will be improvements to the existing mechanical, electrical, and I&C systems at the W Michigan St. Regulator Station, including a new standby generator. Estimated cost is approximately $100M.

Contractor 1:1 Meetings

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!

When: October 9, 2024 – October 16, 2024

Where: Virtual meetings

Please register HERE.

Informational Open House: Upcoming Contracting Opportunities - King County Wastewater Treatment Division

Event Date/Time

September 4, 2024, at 1:00 PM (PDT)
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes


Open house materials

About the event

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming projects and events. Projects highlighted will be those using the Alternative Public Works (GC/CM and PDB) process, as well as share opportunities on traditional DBB projects, Work Order contracts, and upcoming consulting contracts. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.

A brief description of the projects WTD will be discussing at this Open House are:

South Interceptor Rehabilitation (PDB): This project will rehabilitate 1,623 linear feet of the South Interceptor and associated structures, located in the City of Renton. Rehabilitation of 445 linear feet (LF) of 72-inch and 1,185 LF of 90-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe, rehabilitation of up to (7) maintenance holes, modifications to the junction structure at the South Interceptor and Eastside Interceptor (located at South Treatment Plant), which may be necessary to isolate flows during rehabilitation, and the design, installation and operation of sewer diversion pumping system (including all traffic control and restoration activities). Estimated contract cost is $36M.

Black Diamond Trunk Capacity Upgrade (GC/CM): This project will add conveyance capacity to accommodate population growth over time in a manner that meets King County’s commitments to provide conveyance services to the City of Black Diamond. The scope includes upsizing approximately 6 miles of 10-inch to 16-inch sewer pipe and associated appurtenances. This project is anticipated to be implemented using the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) collaborative delivery approach. Total estimated contract cost is $75M.

Sammamish Plateau Diversion (GC/CM): This project will address regional conveyance system capacity needs by diverting flows out of the South Lake Sammamish Planning Area north. Diverting flows northward will alleviate capacity needs at several King County conveyance facilities. Estimated contract cost is $52.4M.

Mouth of Duwamish Combined Sewer Overflow (MDCSO) Wet Weather Facilities: The County's Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will programmatically deliver essential infrastructure to control wet weather sewer overflows in the Duwamish River. Driven by a consent decree with a 2034 deadline, the program scope involves building sewer diversion structures, influent and effluent conveyance, a new outfall, storage tank, system integration and SCADA, and treatment facilities that include an equalization basin, screens/compactor, pump station, solids removal, disinfection, solids storage, and odor control. With an emphasis on minimizing risks and avoiding delays, the project requires high engagement with interested parties and a coordinated management of multiple projects to deliver required benefits. The program is presently conducting an Alternatives Evaluation to identify the Best Apparent System Alternative (BASA). At this online open house, the County will provide an overview of work occurring to prepare for contracting delivery of MDCSO facilities including determining type of delivery and packaging of program elements.

Contractor 1:1 Meetings

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!

When: August 6, 2024 – August 7, 2024

Where: Virtual meetings

Please register HERE.

Contractor 1:1 Meetings

King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!

When: May 14, 2024 – May 28, 2024

Where: Virtual meetings

King County Contractor Outreach and Networking Event

When: April 15, 2024, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Banquet Hall at Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center - 650 Southwest Campus Drive Federal Way, WA 98023

Event Presentations:

About this Event

King County is hosting a contractor networking and open house event to provide networking opportunities for small, minority and women owned firms and prime contractors/consultants, as well as informational presentations on upcoming contracts from many King County agencies. This networking event is intended for potential prime contractors and consultants and major firms to meet with small, diverse businesses to explore teaming opportunities for upcoming procurements.

Join us to:

  • Network with other firms
  • Hear about upcoming projects from King County’s Wastewater Treatment Division, Metro Transit, Parks, Road Services, Local Services, Water and Land Resources Division, Facilities Management Division and Solid Waste Division
  • Have 1:1 Meeting opportunities with prime contractors/consultants and subs
  • Have 1:1 Meeting opportunities with King County Staff

We hope that you'll take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to connect with other firms and also learn about upcoming King County contract opportunities at this event.

Doing business with the county

The procurement and contract services section (PCSS) website is designed to assist users who do business with King County. The web site provides procurement and contract information for:

  • Construction
  • A&E and professional services
  • Technical services
  • Goods and services