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Recycle right tool kit

A collection of free resources developed by the Recycle Right Communications Consortium on how to recycle and compost right.

About the Recycle Right Communications Consortium

In 2018, King County and partners developed the Recycle Right Communications Consortium. This group of communications professionals includes representatives from King County, King County cities, Seattle Public Utilities, the Department of Ecology, and commercial haulers. Together, the Consortium harmonizes regional messages related to recycling and composting right.

All tool kit resources are available for use. Please refer to the Recycle Right Brand Guidelines in the brand guidelines section of this page when co-branding your logo to ensure consistency.

Compost right

Composting right is as easy as “food in, plastic out.” Use the customizable versions of the Compost Right campaign materials to add your own logo. Before using these assets, please review the Recycle Right Brand Guidelines in the brand guidelines section of this page.

Paint Recycling (PaintCare)

In 2021, the PaintCare program launched in Washington. This program customers find nearby locations where paint, stains, and primer can be dropped off for recycling.

The toolkit provides language, handouts, and photo resources. Questions about the tool kit, PaintCare, and hazardous waste can be directed to the Hazardous Waste Management Program communications team at

Images and files



Plastic bags and wrap

As of October 1, 2021, single-use plastic bags are banned in the state of Washington. These materials are not accepted in the recycling and should either be brought to a takeback location for recycling or put in the garbage.

Putting out extra curbside materials

2021 consortium produced materials on how to put out extra garbage, recycling, and compost for curbside pickup. The language and icons included below can be used on bill inserts, newsletters, and other digital/print materials. Customers should be aware haulers may charge extra depending on the items and the amount put out.

Images and files



Recycle Right

Recycling Right is as easy as “empty, clean, and dry,” “when in doubt, find out,” and other easy messaging found in the resources below. Before using these assets, please review the Recycle Right Brand Guidelines in the brand guidelines section of this page.

Working with C+C, the Consortium developed recycle right branding, transit advertisements, videos, and radio ad copy. Social media messaging for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Value of Recycling campaign

The Value of Recycling video was developed by the Consortium in 2022/23 to build trust in the recycling system and decrease contamination.

Value of Recycling video

Resources from our partners

Websites and resources from Consortium members. 
