Parks Grants
King County Parks will be accepting applications for five of our grant programs this year. Applicants can click here for more resources or visit our plain text 2025 Grant Guide for more details. We will be running two different Request for Application (RFA) processes during the following timelines:
NOW OPEN: 2025 Levy Grants RFA - February 24 to April 3. This includes Aquatic Facilities, Parks Capital and Open Space, Open Space - River Corridors, and Healthy Communities and Parks Fund. Applications must be submitted through the Parks Grants Portal. (Previous deadline of March 31 extended to April 3)
2025 Youth and Amateur Sports RFA - April 7 to May 5. Please visit the YASG webpage for more information on grant goals, eligibility, and project types.
Want to help evaluate Youth Sports applications? Apply to be a YASG Evaluator by March 28, compensation available for eligible candidates. Learn more here.
Healthy Communities and Parks Fund
Supports projects that increase access to parks, open spaces, and recreation in underserved communities.
Youth and Amateur Sports Grants
Supports programs and capital projects that increase access to sports, play, and the outdoors.
Parks Capital and Open Space Grant
Supports projects that expand and improve recreation opportunities, including parks, trails, and open space acquisition.
Supports projects that preserve and increase public access to public pools.
Open Space - River Corridors Grant
Supports projects that improve the natural function of rivers, public access, and/or awareness of river corridors as valuable natural resources.
Supports projects that empower community partners to develop, maintain, and/or program facilities on King County lands.