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For Contractors

Program update:  We are still accepting septic system rebate applications. 

Program update

We are still accepting septic system rebate applications. We are currently at capacity and not accepting new side sewer rebate applications at this time. If you are interested in hearing about any future  side sewer rebate opportunities, then email us at

We are offering rebates for qualifying septic system maintenance activities (see restrictions in the table below). One rebate is available per parcel. 

Note: we are currently at capacity for our side sewer rebate program. We are not issuing any new voucher numbers for side sewer rebates. Please reach out to with any questions. 

Type of rebate Rebate amount Eligible geographical area Income eligibility requirements Eligible maintenance activities
Septic system maintenance rebate Up to $500 Vashon-Maury Island and within the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District None Septic system inspection, pumping, or riser installations
All of King County, excluding Vashon-Maury Island and the Poverty Bay Shellfish Protection District Annual household income at or below 80% of King County’s area median income.

Side sewer repair rebate

(Note: the side sewer rebate is currently not available)

Up to $5,000 Lakehaven and Midway Sewer Districts None Disconnecting illicit connections, lining, or making repairs to existing side sewers to eliminate stormwater or groundwater inputs.

To incentivize action by the property owner homeowner and reduce the financial burden, the septic system and side sewer repair rebates are issued directly to the contractor performing the work, not the property owner. The property owner is responsible for the cost of the septic system maintenance or side sewer repair work minus the cost of the eligible rebate amount.

Note: if large ground-disturbing work will occur during septic system maintenance or side sewer repair work, then a cultural resources review process will be required. The initial cultural resources review could take up to 45 days. Contact for more information about this cultural review process.

Septic system maintenance rebate

Septic system rebate reimbursement form for contractors 

Eligible activities

The following septic system maintenance activities are eligible for this septic rebate:

  • Inspection
  • Pumping*
  • Riser installation*

*The rebate may be used for pumping and riser installation only if an inspection is also conducted OR if Public Health – Seattle & King County has issued an order to the property owner for pumping.

Steps for certified septic professional to receive rebate payment for an eligible project:

Rebate requirements:

  • Maintenance must be performed between March 1, 2024 and March 31, 2026.
  • Maintenance must be performed within 3 months of the rebate voucher being sent to the property owner.
  • All septic work must be performed by a King County certified septic maintainer or a King County certified septic pumper.
  • King County will reimburse the eligible rebate amount to the septic professional (not the property owner).

Side sewer repair rebate

Side sewer rebate reimbursement form for contractors  

Eligible activities

Repair work that reduces infiltration and inflow to side sewers is eligible for our side sewer repair rebate program. Examples of eligible side sewer repair work includes, but is not limited to:

  • Disconnecting roof downspouts or sump pumps from side sewers
  • Replacing or lining leaking side sewer pipes
  • Capping a side sewer clean out line
  • Scoping side sewer lines to inspect for side sewer repair needs

Steps for authorized sewer contractor to receive rebate payment for an eligible project:

  • Get a copy of the rebate confirmation letter from the property owner, which will have the voucher number for the rebate.
    • The rebate confirmation letter will specify what side sewer maintenance activities qualify for the rebate.
  • Complete the side sewer repair work for the eligible property.
    • Before completing maintenance or repairs, obtain any necessary permits for the work being performed.
    • Only maintenance activities outlined in the rebate qualification letter are eligible for reimbursement.
  • Send a copy of the reimbursement form with your itemized invoice and a King County Substitute W-9 to

Rebate requirements:

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J89801-1 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
