Electronic home detention - caseworkers
Kekoa Jaber
Phone: 206-477-2309
Email: Steve.jaber@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Jaber is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
Brit Broostrom
Marcos Luna
Anttimo Bennett
Phone: 206-263-0281
Email: anttimo.bennett@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Bennett is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
Kevin Peterman
John Ledeman
George-Jean Noble
Phone: 206-477-8688
Email: george-jean.noble@kingcounty.gov
If Ms. Noble is out of the office, please reach out to her team:
Mike Byrd
Alejandro Campa
Brit Broostrom
Phone: 206-477-6564
Email: bbroomstrom@kingcounty.gov
If Ms. Broostrom is out of the office, please reach out to her team:
Kekoa Jaber
Marcos Luna
Alejandro Campa
Phone: 206-477-2321
Email: acampa@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Campa is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
George-Jean Noble
Mike Byrd
Kevin Peterman
Phone: 206-477-3429
Email: Kepeterman@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Peterman is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
Anttimo Bennett
John Ledeman
Mike Byrd
Phone: 206-477-8624
Email: mbyrd@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Byrd is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
George-Jean Noble
Alejandro Campa
Marcos Luna
Phone: 206-477-2455
Email: mluna@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Luna is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
Kekoa Jaber
Brit Broostrom
John Ledeman
Phone: 206-477-2307
Email: John.ledeman@kingcounty.gov
If Mr. Ledeman is out of the office, please reach out to his team:
Kevin Peterman
Anttimo Bennett