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Garbage, recycling, and compost

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Garbage, recycling, and compost services

Information on garbage, recycling, and food & yard waste (compost) services in King County.

Solid waste facilities

King County operates 8 transfer stations, 2 drop boxes, and the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill. We also maintain several closed landfills around the county. Find information on where to dispose of waste and recyclables, fees, disposal rules, and more.

Solid waste programs

Learn about our programs to improve on waste prevention, resource recovery, and waste disposal.

Solid waste planning and monitoring

Learn how the King County Solid Waste Division plans current and future solid waste facilities and services. Find information on our Comprehensive Plan, environmental monitoring, annual reports, and waste studies. Read about the work and meeting schedule for our two solid waste advisory committees.

Additional pages

Algona Transfer Station

Learn about the Algona Transfer Station. Find information on facility hours, accepted materials, fees, and more.

Algona Transfer Station

Learn about the Algona Transfer Station. Find information on facility hours, accepted materials, fees, and more.

Backyard composting & garden amendments

Composting transforms yard debris and food scraps into a valuable soil amendment. It’s one of the best ways to reduce waste, cut garbage costs, and support healthy landscapes. Learn how to create and apply backyard compost, use an onsite commercial container, and more.

Bow Lake Recycling & Transfer Station

Learn about the Bow Lake Recycling & Transfer Station in Tukwila. Find information on facility hours, accepted materials, fees, and more.

Bow Lake Recycling & Transfer Station

Learn about the Bow Lake Recycling & Transfer Station in Tukwila. Find information on facility hours, accepted materials, fees, and more.

C&D diversion planning

Learn how to build a successful construction and demolition (C&D) diversion program, design for disassembly, create a C&D waste management plan, and more.

Cedar Hills Regional Landfill

Learn about King County’s only remaining active landfill. Find information on landfill operations, community meetings, the gas-to-energy facility, and more.

Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meetings

Information on our twice-yearly Cedar Hills community meetings. Find out how to attend meetings, sign up for email notifications, and view meeting notes.

Cedar Hills Regional Landfill Monitoring

Read the most recent annual reports and environmental monitoring reports for the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill.

Circular economy

King County's circular economy work drives demand for recycled and reused materials. Our aim is to help create a strong regional market for secondary materials. A circular economy promotes investments in local sorting and processing infrastructure, addresses the climate crisis, and ensures everyone in King County has equitable opportunities to thrive.
